- a story full of gentle humour 充满轻松幽默的故事
- You'll answer these and other questions as you explore eerie locations, search for hidden objects and follow a story full of nerve-pricking encounters. 你能回答这些问题和其他问题,因为你探索诡异地点,隐藏的对象搜索和跟踪的故事神经全挑接触。
- a story full of humour 非常幽默的故事
- This is a murdering story full of suspensions and rich feelings. “莫兰系列”中又一个紧张刺激,充满悬念和丰富情感的谋杀故事。
- He often tells stories full of mystery. 他常讲些充满神秘色彩的故事。
- In the large classroom filled with students, Dr.Li Kaifu moved all the teachers and students present with his experience story full of sincerity , sagacity , humour, and philosophic theories. 在水泄不通的大教室里,掌声不断,笑笑连连,李开复博士用一个个真诚、睿智、幽默、充满哲理的经历故事打动着在场的师生。
- This writer's plays are marked by a gentle humour. 这位作家的剧本独具一种温文的幽默。
- He would tell a story about a patient, full of subtlety and depth. 他爱讲有关他的病人的故事,十分微妙而深刻。
- His career is a story of utter disaster. 他在事业上一事无成。
- He walked with a stride full of purpose. 他迈着坚定的步伐向前走。
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本书贴满了关于她的一些影片的剪报。
- The dramatist wrote up a story idea in the form of a one-act play. 剧作家把情节大意写成了一个独幕剧。
- He delivered a long prose full of platitudes. 他发表了一篇充满陈词滥调的文章。
- A twist of fate; a story with a quirky twist. 命运的扭转; 跌宕起伏的故事
- Bai Yula's match colors: Large area uses white, make indoor the atmosphere that was full of gentle, gentle, quietly elegant, chasteness immediately. 白与蓝的配色:大面积使用白色,使室内顿时布满了轻柔、暖和、淡雅、纯洁的气氛。
- a story full of lewd innuendos 充满淫秽影射的故事.
- He batted out an outline of a story in about two hours. 他用两小时左右的时间草草拟出了故事的大纲。
- The young girls preferred stories full of sentiments. 年轻女孩比较喜欢富有情感的故事。
- Incoherent fragments of a story. 一个叙述不连贯的故事
- Night which is full of darkness is just enlighted by a light of gentle yellow.Among this night the loneliness deep and long in my heart came out completely. 在心中藏匿了许久的孤独,在那个黑暗的只有一盏乳黄色灯光的夜里,全释放了。