- a singularly charming woman 娇媚异常的女人,极有魅力的女人
- From the wooded hillsides peep out temples and pagodas and towers and pavilions. With the lake and the hills setting each other off, the overall scenery has gained a singular charm. 青碧黛绿丛中、点缀着佛刹宝塔、亭台楼榭,湖山映衬之下,更显得百般秀美。
- He says that Mrs. A is a charming woman. 他说A夫人是位迷人的女士。
- She is a singularly attractive woman. 她是一个异常有吸引力的女人。
- I had a singular experience in Africa. 我在非洲时有过一次奇特的经历。
- She had a singular insight into life. 她对于人生有一个非凡的了解。
- A singular restlessness had driven him to her door. 纯粹是由于一种坐立不安的焦躁情绪驱使他来到她门前。
- Dayan was a singular blend of the old and the new. 在达扬身上兼有新旧两种人物的特征。
- He has a singular interest in science. 他对科学特别有兴趣。
- She was going to be a charming woman one day, he thought. 他想,她将来要成为妩媚多姿的女人。
- Talking to him is a singular experience. 与他交谈是一种非同平常的体验。
- He was a brilliant man and Jennie was a charming woman. 他是一个漂亮的男子,珍妮也是美貌的女人。
- Fix's face seemed to have a singular expression. 他发现费克斯的面部表情非常奇怪。
- A single thought, a singular touch of grace. 一个想法,一个慈悲的触摸。
- A singular circumstance then arose in the case. 这案子此刻发生一种新情况。
- We tramp another furlong or so and he says that Mrs. A is a charming woman. 我们又往前走了200多米,他说A夫人是位迷人的女人。
- Can a singular verb go with a plural noun? 单数动词能与复数名词一起用吗?
- We tramp another furlong or so, and he says that mars A is a charming woman. 我们又走了200米左右; 他说甲太太是一位妩媚的女人.
- The combination of natural conditions and human efforts at touching it up has made the lake the singularly charming scenic spot it is today. 它得天独厚的自然条件,加上历代劳动人民的治理加工,逐步形成独特的美景。
- It was a singular sight which met our eyes. 我们看到的是不可思议的情景。