- A putting green. 球穴区攻击区,球穴区
- The smooth surface of the putting green is designed to provide a consistent path after the ball has been given a tap or gentle stroke known as a putt. 平整的表面为轻推入洞提供了平稳路线,这就是我们所说的推杆。
- (golf) adjacent to a putting green. (高尔夫)位置靠近球穴区的。
- Oh yes, we have a very good putt green. 哦是的,我们有一个很好的高尔夫推杆草坪。
- There are two types of options: a call and a put. 期权有两种: 买进期权(或看涨期权)和沽出期权(或看跌期权)。
- Oh yes,we have a very good putt green. 哦是的,我们有一个很好的高尔夫推杆草坪。
- I will wair for you at the putting green. 我在推杆果岭上等你。
- Answer:Carve a house at this time at a put a words beside. 答:这时雕塑家在一旁搭了一句野白。
- The part of a golf course covered with short grass and extending from the tee to the putting green. 球座与终点间的草地覆有剪平草的高尔夫球场的一部分,从球座到终点间的地带
- Extruded aluminum ramp measures speed of putting green. 由铝合金制造而成,用于测试果岭速度。
- Strike in playing a putt,as of a golf ball. 轻击高尔夫球使运动。
- Golfers' spikes damage the putting greens. 高尔夫球手的钉鞋给球洞草坪区造成了破坏。
- A player plays from just off the putting green with the flagstick in the hole. 问:当旗杆还在球洞里的时候,一名球员从果岭上打球。
- My home in winter often put green onions planted in the basin to keep it fresh. 我家里在冬天经常把大葱栽在盆子里,以保持它的鲜嫩。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- Currently, three colleges have a put in place a policy of buying only green books as a matter of course. 目前,三个学院制定了一个政策,理所当然地只购买绿色书本。
- The part of a golf course covered with short grass and extending from the teeto the putting green. 球座与终点间的草地覆有剪平草的高尔夫球场的一部分,从球座到终点间的地带。
- When the play of a hole has been completed, players should immediately leave the putting green, not delay or put again. 在果岭上推杆完毕后,应立即离开果岭,切勿滞留或试推杆。
- She married a man who put her on a pedestal. 她嫁给了一个对她十分崇拜的男人。
- A light golf stroke made on the putting green in an effort to place the ball into the hole. (使高尔球进洞的)轻轻一击在离球洞三十码以内的地区为把球打进球洞而对球实施的轻打