- A swaggering, peremptory manner. 狂妄自大、过于自信的举止
- The teacher spoke in a peremptory tone. 老师以命令的口吻说话
- She developed a peremptory and fussy disposition. 她养成了一种蛮横和过分注意细节的性格。
- He spoke with a peremptory note in his voice. 他以咄咄逼人的口气说话。
- He had a peremptory blunt butting even bullying manner. 有时他神志冷峻,甚至不留情面。
- There was a peremptory note in his voice. 他说话的声音里有一种不容置辩的口气。
- in a peremptory manner 态度专横地
- a peremptory manner 专横的态度
- Scarlett submitted meekly to being carried toward the carriage and also to the peremptory manner in which Uncle Peter criticized her and Prissy. 思嘉乖乖地让他驮着向马车走去。 一面不声不响地听他用命令的口吻批评她和百里茜。
- People wonders at him " barpque " act, yao Ming already whistle is loud, cast a basketball high, peremptory manner of a pair of judgment. 人们纳闷于他的“怪异”举动,姚明已一声哨响,高高抛起篮球,俨然一副裁判架势。
- He made a peremptory order. 他下达了一个必须服从的命令。
- A swaggering,peremptory manner. 狂妄自大、过于自信的举止
- It is a peremptory point of virtue that a man's independence be secured. 保持个人的独立性无疑是件好事情。
- A peremptory writ shall be issued for constraining appearance in court. 拘传应当发拘传票。
- But a peremptory negative from upstairs prevented any play from being acted thereon. 但是来自于楼上不容置疑的反对声,阻止了这戏台上的任何演出。
- Legislatures often act in a negatory manner. 立法机关常采取消极行动。
- While in UK, only the defense has the opportunity to make a peremptory challenge to the potential juror and arbitrarily reject a number. 在英国,只有辩护方有权利对候选陪审员提出无因回避请求,拒绝一定数量的陪审员。
- He got the money in a very underhand manner. 他用极为狡诈的手段弄到了这笔钱。
- However, while the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal assigns a peremptory period to present the evidence, the evidence shall be presented in the specific period. 但受理诉愿机关限定于一定期间内提出者,应于该期间内提出。
- She sat down in a gingerly manner. 她轻轻地坐下。