- a panoply of alpine peaks 高峰林立,气势磅礴
- a panoply of alpine peaks; 高峰林立,气势磅礴;
- The lakes were surrounded by a panoply of mountains. 群湖为壮丽的群山所环抱。
- Asian Americans belong not to a race so much as to a confederation, a big yellow-and-brown tent that covers a panoply of interests. 与其说亚裔美国人是一个种族,不如说它是一个联盟-有如一个覆盖著各种利益的黄棕色帐棚。
- It treats a panoply of applications, including many in industry, educational systems, forecasting, financial engineering, and bioinformatics. 它对待应用的全胃甲胄,在工业,教育制度,预报,金融工程和生物信息科学里包括很多。
- Description: The Yixian formation of China contains a panoply of exquisitely- preserved insects, vertebrates, and plants. 描述:中国的义县组产出的化石种类精美绝伦,种类繁多,昆虫、脊椎动物,还有植物。
- "Asian Americans belong not to a race so much as to a confederation, a big yellow-and-brown tent that covers a panoply of interests. “与其说亚裔美国人是一个种族,不如说它是一个联盟-有如一个覆盖着各种利益的黄棕色帐棚。
- Even this will be left largely to a panoply of small public-sector bodies and faith-based groups with little central direction. 既便如此,小规模公共部门和缺乏中央领导的宗教集团“百花争鸣”局面仍然不可避免。
- From the firmament to the waters in front of our ship, a panoply of hues from light pinks to deep greens each rippled, layer upon layer, patch by patch.... 上自苍穹,下至船前的水,自浅红至于深翠,幻成几十色,一层层,一片片的漾开了来。
- A small striped swordtail butterfly was among a panoply of animals and plants recorded during a fall 2008 expedition to Mount Mabu in northern Mozambique. 一种小型的斑纹凤蝶位列本次科考所发现的众多动植物中。(后边那串不译了,反正和前面一样,烦!)
- Yet China also has a panoply of diplomatic, political and economic means to peacefully induce the people of Taiwan to embrace a relationship with China. 然而中国大陆还有一整套的外交、政治和经济手段,和平地促使台湾人民拥护与大陆的关系。
- In order to effectively advise the board, lawyers need to know the individual directors, which provides a solid foundation for counseling the board on a panoply of issues. 要想所提供咨询让董事会满意,律师就要了解董事个人,这是为董事会提供全面咨询服务的基础。
- The United Nations has urged countries to focus on the roots of the epidemic and draw on a panoply of tried-and-tested tools to help HIV from spreading among people most at risk. 联合国敦促各国专注在此一传染病的根源,并使用已验证之防护工具,以帮助防止爱滋病毒散播感染的风险。
- Piano lessons at 3, Spanish classes at 5, soccer games from age 8 through 14, a panoply of activities designed to give your kid the upper hand in getting into the college of her dreams. 3年级开始钢琴课,5年级西班牙课,8至14岁踢足球,让你的孩子全副武装地在大学梦中占上风。
- The book conveys a real enthusiasm for the high alpine peaks. 这本书对阿尔卑斯山峰表达了一种真正的热爱。
- a panoply of colorful flags.See Synonyms at display 彩旗缤纷参见
- Proud alpine peaks. 壮丽的山峰
- Of Gothic cathedrals built to last an eternity. A place of gently rolling fields and vineyards and jagged Alpine peaks. 永恒的哥特式教堂。绵延起伏的平原和葡萄园,以及此起彼伏的阿尔卑斯山脉,
- This panoply of power had been paraded before her since childhood. 这一套表示权势的全武行,直从她的儿童时期已经陈列在她面前了。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。