- It's a long shot but I think John must have stolen the bike. 这只是一种猜测,但我认为一定是约翰偷了自行车。
- It's a long shot, but I should say she's about forty. 这不好猜,但我猜她大约是四十岁左右。
- Looking for her in the library was a long shot; I had no idea where she was. 在图书馆中想找到她是不大可能成功的尝试,我不知道她在哪儿。
- Tom decided to put his money on a long shot. 汤姆决定把钱投在一种风险很大的事业上。
- No. 6 gave a long shot, but missed the goal. 6号来了一个长射,但没有射中球门。
- Looking for her in the library was a long shot. 在图书馆里找她,不太可能找到她。
- No. 7 gave a long shot,but missed the goal. 7号来了个远射,但没有射进球门。
- He was the best swimmer in the race,by a long shot. 那次游泳比赛,他绝对是个最好的选手。
- a long shot gamble n. 孤注一掷
- It's a long shot, but it just might work. 没有什么把握,但也许行得通。
- Contest produced a long shot winner. 比赛打了平局。
- That's why it's so rare to win on a long shot. 那就是为什么成功的机会微乎其微。
- No.10 gave a long shot,but missed the goal. 10号队员一记远射,可惜射偏了。
- This one is as good as that one by a long shot. 在很大程度上这个与那个一样好。
- Lt.Benham says that theory is a long shot. 但是贝纳姆上尉认为这种说法可能性不大。
- She doesn't do her share of the work by a long shot. 她用不光彩的手段逃掉了自己该完成的那份任务
- A contestant given little chance of winning; a long shot. 获胜机会很少者不大可能获胜的选手;获胜可能性非常微小地参加者
- Do you think he is a good businessman? Not by a long shot! 你认为他是一位能干的实业家吗?绝对不是。
- That horse was a long shot,however it came in and paid well. 对那匹马下注很冒险,但它竟然跑赢了,大大地报答了押主。
- It's a long shot,but I should say she's about forty. 这不好猜,但我猜她大约是四十岁左右。