- A great way to share your photos! 分享你的相片的一个大方法!
- Sounds like a great way to solve the problem. 听起来好像是个解决问题的好办法。
- Yes. It's a great way to really see the canyon. 真的。那是真正参观峡谷的好方式。
- Composting is a great way to save money as well. 堆肥是伟大地节省金钱。
- It's a great way to spend a lunch break. 一个很好的消磨午休时间的方法。
- They are a great way to convey short messages. 它们是一种传达短消息的极佳方式。
- It's a great way to really see the canyon. 那是真正参观峡谷的好方式。
- This is a great way to learn English! 这是学习英语的一个很好的办法!
- This is a great way to meet a suitor. 这是遇到佳偶的好办法。
- Hiking is a great way to travel. 徒步旅行是一种很棒的旅行方式。
- Teaching is a great way to learn! 教学是学习的极好途径!
- What a great way to spend the day! 这是一个多么好的方式来度过这有意义的一天呀!
- Trains are a great way to travel. 火车是一种非常好的旅行方式。
- This is a great way to get some protein and fiber. 这是获得蛋白和纤维的很好的方法。
- Temping is a great way to build contacts. 打临时工;是建立人际关系的良方.
- I thought it was a great way to study gestures. 我觉得这是个学习手势的很不错的方法。
- Urban legends also offer a great way to learn English. 坊间传说也是学习英语的一个好途径。
- B: Yes, it was a great way to learn of the Italian way of life. 是的,这是了解意大利人生活的一个很好的方式。
- Pampering yourself is a great way to beat blue Monday. 纵容自己是驱除蓝色礼拜一的好方法。
- Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and recharge. 锻炼是一项非常好的缓解压力和“充电’的方法。