- The first time he tasted the fruit, he felt as if he was having a feast for the gods. 他第一次吃这种水果时觉得似乎在品尝世外仙果,美妙极了。
- Bales of printed cottons made a feast for the eyes. 一包包印染的棉布,看了让人十分心喜。
- The new art gallery is a feast for the eyes. 这个新艺术馆非常好看。
- The first time he tasted the fruit,he felt as if he was having a feast for the gods. 他第一次吃这种水果时觉得似乎在品尝世外仙果,美妙极了。
- The scene was a feast for the eyes. 这景色令人赏心悦目。
- They are really a feast for the eyes. 真是琳琅满目。
- We prepared a feast for the wedding. 我们为婚礼准备了盛宴。
- The exhibition is a feast for the eyes. 展品琳琅满目,美不胜收。
- They're really a feast for the eyes. 真是琳琅满目。
- It'll be naturally a Feast for the Eyes. 自然就赏心悦目喽。
- She is beautiful enough to be a feast for the eyes. 她的美貌,真是秀色可餐。
- The cardigans in numerous varieties are a feast for the eyes. 品种多样的羊毛衫,琳琅满目。
- A book that is a veritable feast for the mind. 一本给心灵带来真正快乐的书
- Knowledge is a feast for the mind. Savor every swallow. 知识是心灵的盛宴。仔细地品尝每一口。
- a feast for the gods n. 极精美的食物
- The new exotic sports car was a feast for my eyes. 这辆新奇古怪的跑车对我来说是一次视觉享受。
- The old lady insists that a girl in red always makes a feast for the eyes. 那老太太固执地认为,穿红衣的少女耐看。
- And Vashti the queen gave a feast for the women in the house of King Ahasuerus. 王后瓦实提在亚哈随鲁王的宫内、也为妇女设摆筵席。
- The plum blossoms are a sight for the gods. 那些梅花好看极了。
- The exhibits are a feast for eyes. 展览品琳琅满目,美不胜收。