- A detent is one notch of the mouse wheel. 制动器是鼠标轮的一个凹口。
- a detention home 青少年罪犯的拘留所
- They are now in a detention centre in the eastern province of Van. 这个家庭属伊拉克的难民,如果被遣送回国,他们将有生命危险。
- I always come home frightfully worried and wretched if I have sent somebody to prison or to a detention centre. 如果我把某人送到监狱或拘留中心,我回家时就总会感到非常焦虑和不安。
- Tess: Actually I could, and I would do it without getting a detention. 事实上我可以,而且我根本不会被关禁闭。
- Can detention in a remand home be regarded as educational? 青少年犯拘留所的拘留能看做是教育吗?
- She is not giving him a detention; he has forced her to take the slip away. 他不是要给学生留置的处罚,而是学生迫使他取回违规条。
- Separately, Iraq's interior ministry charged57 employees with torturing prisoners at a detention centre in Baghdad. 与此同时,伊内政部长对其57名部下在巴格达一所拘留中心的虐俘事件而负责。
- When detaining a person, a public security organ must produce a detention warrant. 第六十四条公安机关拘留人的时候,必须出示拘留证。
- They kept badgering him to get a home computer. 他们一直纠缠着要他买一台电脑。
- I.A has a detention in the interrogation program, but says if it does, it must adhere to the new guidelines. 白宫并没有说中情局有权在审问时进行拘留,但如果进行拘留也必须遵循新的准则。
- The referee awarded a penalty to the home team. 裁判判给主队罚对方任意球。
- In some educates the uniform is so strict those you get a detention if your tie knot is too loose. 有些学院对校服的条件非比寻常严格,假如你的领带结太松,就会被留堂。
- We drove home by a roundabout route. 我们绕远道驾车回家。
- Andrews is currently being held in a detention center, Pittsburgh police charged her with murder and kidnapping. 德鲁斯目前被关押在看守所,匹斯堡警方指控她犯有谋杀罪和绑架罪。
- "Home" is a much more emotive word than "house". "家"是远比"住屋"更能激起感情的字眼。
- On March 11, former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic died at a detention center near the International War Crime Tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands. 三月十一日,前南斯拉夫总统米洛塞维奇死于海牙国际战犯法庭狱中。
- He lined out for home without a backward glance. 他头也不回,急忙往家里走去。
- She paid a call on Aunt Liu on her way home. 她在回家的路上去看望了刘大婶。
- In Westminster the Chancellor of the Exchequer got eight out of ten for arithmetic but earned himself a detention for singing. 在西敏寺,英国财政大臣虽然算术考了八十分,但因为唱歌唱得不好而被留校;