- The postman has proved a bird of ill omen three times this week. 邮递员本周内三报凶讯。
- The crow is a bird of ill omen. 乌鸦是不祥的预兆。
- Douglas told us that he had witnessed another motorway crash; he seems to be a bird of ill omen. 道格拉斯告诉我,他又目睹了一桩快车道撞车事件;他似乎总是报凶讯。
- Douglas told us that he had witnessed another motorway crash;he seems to be a bird of ill omen. 道格拉斯告诉我,他又目睹了一桩快车道撞车事件;他似乎总是报凶讯。
- Who's that old bird of ill omen? 是哪只晦气的公猫?”
- a bird of ill omen n. 凶鸟
- It gave him the creeps to listen to that bird of ill omen, the pessimistic Chu Yin-chiu. 像朱吟秋那么黑嘴老鸦似的开口就是不吉利,周仲伟听了可真憋气。
- An owlet is a bird of prey that flies at night. 小型猫头鹰是在夜晚捕食的一种鸟。
- Birds of ill omen. 带来恶兆的鸟
- He is a young eagle, a bird of prey. 他是一只年轻的鹰,一只猛禽。
- Better to be a bird of the wood than of the cage. 做林中之鸟,好过做笼中之鸟。
- A bird of the order Passeriformes. 雀形目鸟雀形目的鸟
- Some people consider a black cat a creature of ill omen. 有些人认为黑猫是不祥的兆头。
- Time is a bird of ever on the wing. 时间是一只永远在飞翔的鸟。
- The talon or claw of a bird of prey. 爪鸟类捕食的爪子
- It gave him the creeps to listen to that bird of ill omen, the pessimistic Chu Yin-chiu 像朱吟秋那么黑嘴老鸦似的开口就是不吉利,周仲伟听了可真憋气。
- bird of ill omen 带来坏消息的鸟或人
- Dreaming to pick blasted blossom is the trillion of bad omen. 梦见采摘枯萎的花朵,是不祥之兆。
- If you cannot catch a bird of paradise,better take a wet hen. 如果你无法带道一只天堂鸟,不如先抓住一只蠢母鸡。
- There is a bird on top of the house. 房子顶上有只鸟。