- A pyramid of stones marked the spot. 那地点用一堆堆成金字塔形状的石头作了标记。
- The media have a lot of power today. 现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。
- To assume the shape of a pyramid. 呈金字塔形状
- The doctor was standing beside the blank stone wall, gesturing toward a pyramid of large casks. 大夫站在一处空白的石墙旁边,朝着一个许多大桶堆成的金字塔作了个手势。
- Sceptres are carried by kings as a sign of power. 国王所持的权杖是权力的象征。
- Next, suppose we put a pyramid on top of the cube. 接著,假设我们在正立方体的顶面摆一个金字塔。
- Every Friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrived from a fruiterer in New York--every Monday these same oranges and lemons left his back door in a pyramid of pulpless halves. 每星期五,五箱橙子和柠檬从纽约一家水果行送到。 每星期一,这些橙子和柠檬变成一座半拉半拉的果皮堆成的小金字塔从他的后门运出去。
- A unit of power equal to 1,000 watts. 千瓦功率的单位,等于1,000瓦。
- She wields a lot of power in the government. 她在政府中有很大的权力。
- To place or build in the shape of a pyramid. 使成塔尖形以金字塔形状设置
- When it is all done, and I can empty string bags of nuts into bowls, make a pyramid of clementines or get down to making the stuffing, I feel a wonderful prickle of festive excitement. 等全买好后,我还得把包裹清空,把克莱门氏小柑橘摆成金字塔型或者着手开始做馅儿,我觉得这次是完美的节日感觉。
- She has a lot of power, but like to remain in the background. 她的权力很大,但是喜欢隐身幕后。
- In Egypt, a 4,400-year-old mummy is found in the Pyramid of Cheops. 1989年的今天,在埃及的基奥普斯金字塔发现一4400年久的木乃伊。
- A scepter is the attribute of power. 权杖是权力的标志。
- a pyramid of cans in a shop window 商店橱窗中摆成金字塔形的罐头
- a pyramid of tins in a shop window 商店橱窗中摆成金字塔形的罐头.
- Because of misuse of power, he was dismissed. 因为滥用权力,他被开除了。
- An electrical relay used to control the flow of power in a circuit. 开关一种用来控制电路中电流量的电流器件
- Look! I made a pyramid with my name cards. 你看、我用名片做了个金字塔。
- As the flower petal dream becomes the dominant dream in human civilization, the pyramids of power between nations will be released and a new dream take hold. 当花瓣梦想成为人类文明中的主导梦想时,国与国之间的力量金字塔将被释放,而崭新的梦想将被持有。