- There was a man who was determined to become a public servant. 从前有个人决心当一名公务员。
- A public servant is supposed to serve people without having itchy palms. 一位公仆应该为人民服务而非贪财如命。
- If you wish to be a leader to others, you claim to be a public servant. 假如你想成为别人的领导,你就必须自称公仆。
- If there is anything a public servant hates to do it is something for the public. 如果公务员有讨厌做的事,那就是有利于公众的事。
- "It was his last news conference, so he let his emotions slip," said Hiroshi Fukada, 56, a public servant. 56岁的政府公务员深田浩说:“这是他最后一次发布会,所以他表露了自己的情绪。即使是我,有时也想对别人说‘我可不像你’这样的话。”
- The kindness of a people who never yet deserted a public servant honestly laboring in their cause. 人民不会抛弃一个坚守岗位、诚实尽力的公仆。
- A former legislator was charged with a total of five offences, including accepting an advantage as a public servant and misconduct in public office. 一名前立法会议员被落案起诉,控以共五项罪名,包括身为公职人员收受利益,及担任公职时行为不当。
- Officials in Truman's hometown of Independence pick someone each year they believe best exemplifies what it means to be a public servant. “杜鲁门公共服务奖”每年颁发一次,由杜鲁门家乡的官员评选他们所认为的公共服务的典范。
- Scala was a meritorious public servant. 斯卡拉是一个能干的国民公仆。
- The syntax and semantics of the exception are mismatched, somewhat like a public servant who promises to tend to voters most important concerns, especially the swimming pool service hours. 异常的语法和语义不匹配,这有点类似于一个公务员,在向选民承诺要注意他们最关心的问题,尤其是游泳池开放时间。
- They are not necessarily involved in the competition, though.The notion that being a public servant means comfort and freedom from dismission is nothing but a misunderstanding of the profession. 那种认为“当公务员就是当官”,跨进政府大门就如同进了“保险箱”,每天可以过着“八点上班九点到、一杯茶水一张报”的清闲生活的想法,实际上是对公务员职业的误解。
- Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker. 发音清晰对演说家至关重要。
- A public health center in every city is provided under the health law. 根据卫生法,每个城市都设有一个公共医疗保健中心。
- The first day of the month is a public holiday. 这个月的第一天是一个公共假日。
- A public speaker needs a voice that carries (well). 演说家要有(很远都能听到的)洪亮嗓音。
- A public square or street with houses in a town. 广场,街:镇上的公共广场或有房屋的街
- A sign or notice for display in a public place. 布告标语牌为在公共场合展示的通知或标语
- Setting up A Good Image and Being A Public Servant 树良好形象做人民公仆
- A public celebration or spectacular pageant. 盛典公共庆祝活动或热闹的游行
- public servant law 中华人民共和国公务员法