- How to carry on a protracted war? 怎样进行持久战?
- Abai or hair that strokes: a protracted war. 还是毛大爷那一招:持久战。
- They waged a protracted war to rid their land of these aggressors. 他们进行了长期战争,把这些侵略者赶出国土。
- It is the best principle for waging a protracted war and it is also the principle for what is known as mobile warfare. 这是实行持久战的最好的方针,也即是所谓运动战的方针。
- Why is the War of Resistance Against Japan a protracted war? 抗日战争为什么是持久战?
- Immunization is a protracted war after the earthquake. 防疫是地震之后的一场持久战。
- Many people are talking about a protracted war,but why is it a protracted war? 很多人都说持久战,但是为什么是持久战?
- Many people are talking about a protracted war, but why is it a protracted war? 很多人都说持久战,但是为什么是持久战?
- But Bauer indicated silently that Microsoft will fight a protracted war. 但鲍尔默表示,微软将打一场持久战。
- The final outcome of the war will be determined by a protracted war of resistance. 战争的最后胜败,要在持久抗战中去解决。
- This trend also provides a basis for our ability to fight a protracted war and win final victory. 这个方面,又给予我们以能够持久和最后胜利的根据。
- From all this it follows that our War of Resistance cannot be won quickly and can only be a protracted war. 这一切,规定了我之抗战不能速胜,而只能是持久战。
- The answer is,No,she cannot win quickly,and the War of Resistance will be a protracted war. 答复:不能速胜,抗日战争是持久战。
- The enemy's plan for a "quick decision" was thus foiled,and now he cannot help fighting a protracted war with us. 这样就破坏了敌之“速决”计划,不得不跟了我们干持久战。
- It is the second kind of change that provides a basis for our ability to fight a protracted war and win final victory. 这第二种变化,就给了我们以能够持久和最后胜利的根据。
- China's war,however,must be handled with the greatest patience and treated as a protracted war. 惟独中国的战争不能不以最大的忍耐性对待之,不能不以持久战对待之。
- From all this,it follows that our war cannot be won quickly but can only be a protracted war. 这一切,又规定了战争不能速胜,而只能是持久战。
- A correct answer to the question "Why a protracted war?" Can be arrived at only on the basis of all the fundamental contrasts between China and Japan. “为什么是持久战”这一个问题,只有依据全部敌我对比的基本因素,才能得出正确的回答。
- Our Party was driven underground and forced to fight a protracted war with Chiang Kai-shek. 我们党被打入地下,被迫同蒋介石进行了长期的战争。
- The answer is, No, she cannot win quickly, and the War of Resistance will be a protracted war. 答复:不能速胜,抗日战争是持久战。