- He met the charge with a plump denial. 他断然否认对他的指控。
- Yang was a plump beauty in Tang Dynasty. 杨贵妃的体态充盈,是个唐代的美人。
- An eagle coldly eyed a plump pigeon. 一只鹰冷眼注视着一只肥鸽。
- A plump brown hen was pecking around for stray grains of corn. 一只月巴得圆滚滚的棕色母鸡正在四周转悠,啄食零星谷粒。
- He had a plump face, lemur-like eyes, a quiet, subtle, modulated voice. 他有一张胖胖的脸,狐猴般的眼睛,以及安详、微妙和富于抑扬顿挫的嗓音。
- A plump old man saying "Chick, chick" and feeding peanuts to squirrels. 一个肥胖的老头嘴里发出“啧啧”声在喂松鼠吃花生。
- The high-ranking Imperial Concubine Yang was a plump beauty in Tang Dynasty. 杨贵妃的体态充盈,是个唐代的美人。
- She was a plump girl of eighteen or so, outspoken, with a free and easy manner, very much the modern school-girl. 她是一个胖胖的十八九岁的姑娘,举止大方,言语也洒脱,而且处处带着女学生的派头。
- You're getting a bit plump you need to diet! 你有点发胖了--得节食了!
- A short plump woman came waddling along the pavement. 有个矮胖女子一摇一摆地沿人行道走来。
- A lean, hunger wolf chanced one moonshiny night to fall in with a plump, wellfed House-Dog. 一只瘦瘦的饿狼偶然在一个月明之夜遇见了一只吃得很好的挺肥的家犬。
- A lean, hunger wolf chanced one moon shiny night to fall in with a plump, well-fed House-Dog. 一只瘦瘦的饿狼偶然在一个月明之夜遇见了一只吃得很好的挺肥的家犬。
- A plump, dark-blue pigeon flew into the road, and hurriedly went to drink in a puddle near the well. 一只肥的,深蓝色的鸽子飞到路中间来,急急地到井边一个水洼跟前去喝水。
- This is a plump, layered Zin with complex black cherry, raspberry, and black pepper flavors that unfold on the palate. 此款仙芬黛层次分明,口感复杂,樱桃,红莓与黑胡椒的美好风味于味蕾上尽情绽放。
- A plump species of plover (Charadrius hiaticula) that breeds in northern regions of the world. 剑鸻:一种体态丰满的鸻鸟科鸟(剑鸻属剑鸻),在地球的北部地区繁衍
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- I looked them over coolly and picked out a plump young wench who seemed full of feathers. 于是我不慌不忙地审视她们一番,挑出一个身段很丰满的年轻小妞,看来她的身体不错。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- The Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster has a plump rounded body and expandable cheekpouches. 他们的身体浑圆滚胖,颊部有可扩大的囊袋。