- Anyone who breaks the law should be punished. 任何违反法律的人都要受到惩罚。
- The courts deal with those who break the law. 法院处理违法的人。
- Those who break the law are subjected to justice. 违法者要受到法律制裁。
- Any one who breaks the law should be punished. 任何触犯法律的人都应受到惩罚。
- Those who break the laws must be punished by laws. 违反法律,就必须收到法律的惩罚。
- The primary responsibility lies with those who break the law. 犯法的人应当负主要责任。
- We must make it clear that anyone who breaks the law will be punished. 我们必须认清无论谁违反了法律都要受到惩罚。
- An executioner is a person who carries out the death sentence. 刽子手是执行死刑的人。
- It is the duty of the police to bring those who break the law to justice. 警察的职责就是,使那些犯法的人受到法律的制裁。
- A breeder means a person who breeds animals. 饲养员就是饲养动物的人。
- A person who is virtuous is also courteous. 有德者必知礼。
- It is the duty of a government founded on democracy and the rule of law to punish criminals. Anyone who breaks the law must face the consequences. 严刑峻法惩罚罪犯是法治民主国家政府的天职,任何罪犯都必须面对法律制裁。
- A person who plays the vibraphone. 电颤琴演奏者
- Teasle: He was just another drifter who broke the law! 提索:他只不过是个犯法的流浪汉!
- A person who practices veterinary medicine. (兽医)从事兽医医学实践的人
- Teasle: He was just another drifter who broke the law! 提索:他只不过是个犯法的流浪汉!
- A person who travels abroad must carry a passport. 出国旅行要携带护照。
- He is a person who is punctual to the minute. 他是一个非常守时的人。
- God of fire. Chu Jung punishes those who break the laws of heaven. 火神。祝融惩罚那些破坏天规的人。
- A person who knowingly or recklessly makes any false or incorrect statement or gives information which is materially false or misleading commits an offence under the law. 任何人士如明知或罔顾后果地作出任何虚假或不正确的陈述,或提供属虚假达关键程度或具误导性达关键程度的资料,即属违法。