- Zhu Xi actually a native of Wuyi Mountain? 原来朱熹就是武夷山人哪?
- How long did Zhu Xi live at Wuyi Mountain? 那朱熹在武夷山到底生活了多久呢?
- The eastern area of Zhejiang Province has been ihe main area since the Southern Song dynasty in which Confucianism and Zhu Xi"s philosophy prevail. 浙东地区自南宋以来就一直是儒学传承的重要区域,是朱学嫡脉所在。
- Wuyi Mountain was the cradle of Zhu Xi's Idealist Confucianism. 武夷山是朱子理学的摇篮。
- By communicating and discussing with many scholars such as Zhu Xi, Lv Zuqian and so on, they improved Lu Jiuyuan"s Mentalism and formed their characteristics. 四先生既有家学渊源,又与当时多位著名学者如朱熹、吕祖谦等相互交流,将陆九渊之后的南宋心学思想进一步发展,形成了自己的特色。
- A comparative study on the thought of Zhu Xi and Li Tui-xi, Taibei: Wenjin Press. 朱熹与退溪思想比较研究,台湾:文津出版社。
- Choson regarded Ming as a Chinese dynasty according to Zhu Xi's orthodox ideas while Qing as a barbarian one. 朝鲜作为儒教国家,儒家正统观对其影响甚大,而这种正统观对中朝关系的影响亦至深至大。
- One of Zhu Xi's students, He Ji initiated the study of Zhuxi's theory in Jinhua. 摘要何基是朱熹的再传弟子,是婺州金华朱学的开创者。
- Zhu Xi was a great thinker, philosopher and educator of Southern Song Dynasty who epitomized New-Confucianism . 朱子是理学的集大成者,南宋时期伟大的思想家、哲学家、教育家。
- It is worth drawing lessons from ZHU Xi's method of inheriting and creating Confucianist culture by providing notes. 朱熹通过集注继承和创新儒学文化的方法值得借鉴。
- Zhu Xi attaches great importance to inscribing books which in his opinion is a good way to spread his theory. 朱子通过整理、刊刻理学文献以及自己的学术成果等方式来传播理学。
- In this sense, Zhu Xi's ethical stance, like that of most Song-Ming Confucians' pertained to rigorism, but not to asceticism. 这说明了朱子的伦理学观点如多数的宋明儒者一样,属于“严格主义”,而非“禁欲主义”。
- Dasan Jung Yak Yong was a master of the Korean Practical Learning, an ideology going the contrary to the Zhu Xi's philosophy. 摘要丁若镛是朝鲜实学的集大成者,他的哲学思想具有“反朱子学”、“脱性理学”的特性。
- ZHU Zai sold Wuyi Temple cas a social and public welfare undertakings college, established by ZHU Xi as a leader and yuined his reputation. 摘要朱在卖了朱熹领头所创武夷精舍(作为社会公益事业的书院),颓其家声。
- The Ming Dynasty witnessed a high peak in the development of Confucian studies in Chaozhou, during which time the doctrine of Zhu Xi and the doctrine of Wang Yangming alternated. 明代是潮州儒学发展的高峰期。这一时期朱子学与阳明学在潮州交替兴落。
- In Zhu Xi's opinion, it is possible for readers to grasp the original meaning of the classics because they and the authors share common human nature and "universalistic" truth. 相较于存有诠释学从此有出发,强调人类知识与理解不可避免的有限性与主观性,朱子则一方面强调人的有限性,一方面却提出大公无私的圣人境界,以为道理与做人的极则。
- This paper concludes that ZHU Xi as a famous Yi-ologist contributes more in the Prenatal than the Postnatal and then further elaborated on this characteristic. 文章的结论是,作为一代易学大家,朱熹在先天学上多有领悟,而在后天学上却少有心得,并进一步讨论了朱熹易学的这一特点。
- Copulative e-marble monument is a scientist Zhu Xi in the Song Dynasty (AD 1130-1200) the book characters Xingshu tablets, the ink has been flowing into Japan. 易系辞碑是宋代大理学家朱熹(公元1130至1200年)所书大字行书碑刻,墨迹已流入日本。
- Surpassing the all the hitherto Confucian thoughts,Zhu Xi's philosophical thought on "benevolence"("ren") is a theoretical innovation on the inheriting and developing basis. 朱熹“仁”学思想内涵超越了以往儒家传统的内容,是在继承、发展基础上的理论创新。
- Zhu Xi's reason for acceptance of Zhou Dun-yi's "The Promise and Tai Chi" is to counter Kong Anguo the traditional "imperial pole" training solution to "medium and large. 朱熹之所以要接受周敦颐的"无极而太极",是为了抗衡孔安国将传统的"皇极"训解为"大中"。