- Zhao Shuli s novels embodies elegance from its popularization. 赵树理小说在通俗化中呈现出了高雅的氛围。
- The reguirement of the times provided wide space and rich soil for Zhao Shuli?s literary advocation and practice. 时代需求为赵树理文学主张和实践提供了广阔的天地、肥沃的土壤。
- Zhao Ben fu?s novel Earth, the Mother is in a narrative way from the folk discourse. 赵本夫是采用民间话语的叙事方式来写作长篇系列小说《地母》的。
- One of the characteristics of Zhao Shuli's works is his humorous language. 语言谐趣是赵树理小说的一个突出特点。
- Therefore, this kink of latent version is not the only intentional creation of Zhao Shuli, but the product of the latent ideology. 然而这种潜文本并不是赵树理有意识的创造而是潜意识的产物。
- Many critics saw flashes of E.H. in the young M.'s novel. 许多评论家称在年轻的M.;的小说中有海明威的影子。
- The Zhao Shuli Literature Award has hibernated for 19 years since 1985 when the first prize was awarded. 1985年省作协举办了首届赵树理文学评论奖,但此后19年这个奖中断了。
- Then, it offers comments on the unique value of the overseas Zhao Shuli Studies in terms of the "modern episteme" and "realism" in Zhao's writings. 其次,就赵树理文学的“现代型”和“现实主义”两个方面,评析了国外赵树理研究的价值独特性。
- A multi-faceted film based on Raymond Jean&&9;s novel "La Lectrice". 康斯坦斯睡在床上大声朗诵小说给爱人听。
- Zhao Shuli thinks that the true art for farmers is not only to know and to comprehend the rural area and farmers, but also to put stress on the popularization, and the succession and transform. 赵树理认为真正为农民服务的文艺不仅要认识、理解农村和农民,而且要充分重视普及工作、重视民间艺术的继承和转化。
- The British image in Lao She s novels has op... 老舍小说中的英国形象为读者打开了一扇审视世界的窗户。
- Tracing the Origins of the Structure Shape in Zhao Shuli's "Question Novel" 赵树理"问题小说"结构形态溯源
- I put the translation of Upton Sinclair' s novel into her hands since 19d finished it already. 我就把《屠
- History and its reconstruction are among the important themes in Toni Morrison?s novel Paradise. 历史及其重构是托妮·莫里森小说《乐园》的重要主题。
- The strong consciousness of depicting histories of Hugo?s novel creation had affected Zengpu deeply. 雨果小说创作中强烈的写史意识对曾朴产生了深刻的影响。
- The means of Dracula’s arrival to Whitby in Stoker’s novel was also loosely founded on truth. 斯托克小说中德古拉到达惠特比的方式也隐约取自事实。
- Subconscious Male Chauvinism in Zhao Shuli's Novels 浅析赵树理早期小说的男权意识
- This essay tries to read and interpret Morison"s novel in the Light of Intertextuality. 本文从莫里森小说的互文性表现形态来说明小说的主要特征。
- Zhao Shuli's Ideas on Literature and Arts 赵树理文艺思想
- Another adaption of Mary Shelley‘s novel about a scientist who brings life to a creature fashioned from corpses and various body parts. 又一部根据玛丽.;谢莉的恐怖小说改编的电影,讲述一个科学家把许多尸体的不同部分拼凑成一个完整的躯体,并给予其生命。