- Yushania collina n. 德昌玉山竹
- Studies on the alkaloids from Salsola collina Pall. 猪毛菜中生物碱化学成分的研究。
- What do you think about how Collina is doing as a referee designator? “对于周三的比赛你是感觉到满意呢还是对于结果非常生气?”
- ObjectiveTo engage in a system at pharmacognostical study on Salsola collina Pall. 目的为猪毛菜的开发和利用提供鉴定的依据。
- La casa in collina - Offre una presentazione del bed and breakfast, con tariffe ed informazioni turistiche sulla zona. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Mr Collina spends some of his time back in the world he inhabited before refereeing, working as a financial adviser. 成为裁判前,科里纳在金融界工作。退役后,他有时又重返金融界,担任顾问。
- If the Collina rulebook is to be believed, those who do not betray some nerves prior to the game probably should not be there. 如果我们相信科里纳的规则手册,那些在比赛前没有流露出些许紧张情绪的人,或许根本就不该出现场上。
- Results Morphological,histological characters of the Chinese folk medicine Salsola collina Pall.were described and illustrated with photo. 结果详细描述了猪毛菜的性状和显微特征。
- The stopper was dismissed by referee Andrea Gervasoni, however, designator Pierluigi Collina insisted that it was not a spot kick. 这名后卫随后被裁判热尔瓦索尼罚下场,但是裁判委员会的科里纳坚持认为这不是一个点球。
- I Nethinei che abitavano sulla collina, lavorarono, fino dirimpetto alla porta delle Acque, verso oriente, e dirimpetto alla torre sporgente. 居住在俄斐勒的殿役,修筑直到东面水门对面和突出的城楼那一段墙。
- Pierluigi Collina may be the world's first superstar referee but he is resigned to having to hang up his whistle in the summer of 2005. 配鲁吉.;科里钠可能是这个世上第一位巨星级裁判,不过他决定在2005年的夏天挂“哨”
- Dopo di loro i Tekoiti ne restaurarono un’altra parte, dirimpetto alla gran torre sporgente e fino al muro della collina. 再下一段,就是由提哥亚人修筑的另一段,从那突出来的大城楼对面,直到俄斐勒的城墙。
- Mourinho follows and jokes that he didn't want Collina as first choice, he'd have preferred Anders Frisk because he might have evened things up after the first leg. 随后是穆里尼奥,他开玩笑说主裁比赛的科里纳并不是自己的理想人选,他宁可要安德斯-弗里斯克主哨,因为这样他就会为我们在首回合的不公待遇找点平衡照顾一下了。
- After Collina had awarded the penalty, the dastardly number 14 was trying to shake hands with Becks, as if to wish him good luck, but, in reality to put him off. 当科里纳判给英格兰点球的时候,卑鄙的14号企图上前和贝壳汉墓握手,看上去似乎是祝他好运,实际上是在给他施加压力。
- "Collina should retire," adviced Moggi through Europa 7. "In life you must be respected and so, I say that Cobolli Gigli did well to blow off steam last Saturday. “科利纳应该退休了,”莫吉在欧洲7频道的节目中说,“在生活中你必须去赢得尊重,我是说吉利在上周六发脾气了,这真不错。”
- Salsola collina Pall. [医] 沙蓬(茨蓬), 猪毛菜
- Garcinia collina Vieill. [医] 丘陵藤黄
- Yushania yongdeensis Yi et J. Y. Shi 永德玉山竹
- Collina's other big matches include the 1999 Champions League final between Manchester United and Bayern Munich and the 2004 UEFA Cup final between Valencia and Olympique Marseille. 科利纳执法过的其他重大赛事包括1999年冠军联赛决赛曼联对拜仁的比赛和2004年欧洲杯决赛决赛巴伦西亚对马赛的比赛。
- Instead, if a referee makes a mistake, I will put the blame on the players. [Referee designator Pierluigi] Collina is doing very well, he has courage and he has taken important decisions. 相反,如果裁判确实犯错了,我也会把责任推给我的球员。[裁判负责人皮尔路易吉]科里纳做的非常好,他很有勇气,他也做出了很多重要的决定。”