- He‘s playing now in the NBDL, the NBA's minor league. 斯克拉格斯一起训练,他现在在NBDL(美国篮球发展联盟)打球,是NBA的次级联赛。
- Yunnan' s minority nationalities 云南少数民族
- minority area of Yunnan Province 云南民族地区
- Under certain conditions, certain consideration shall be given to the interests of an ethnic minority area. 在一定条件下,适当照顾少数民族地区的利益;
- The argument that the lion totemism exists in Dai minority area is worth discussing. 摘要傣族地区存在狮图腾崇拜的说法是值得商榷的。
- At Stetson I worked out every day with Lee Scruggs, the center who played at Georgetown.He's playing now in the NBDL, the NBA's minor league. 在斯泰森我每天和乔治敦的中锋李.斯克拉格斯一起训练,他现在在NBDL(美国篮球发展联盟)打球,是NBA的次级联赛。
- The village was in a predominately Hui minority area where JHF helped build a new clinic. 他们去的村子位于回民占多数的居住区,建华曾在那儿帮助他们建过一个新的诊所。
- No prizes for guessing who inspired the headline “New President Feels Nation’s Pain, Breasts”, or who regaled dinner guests with an impromptu oration on Virgil’s minor works. 我们不必费心去猜是谁搞出“新总统感受了国家的疼痛和乳房”的标题,或者是谁在晚会上即兴来了段维吉尔以取悦来宾。
- After New China was founded,the old system was abolished and democratic reforms were carried out in one minority area after another. 新中国建立之后,少数民族地区先后实行了民主改革,废除了旧制度。
- Favoring ethnic minority areas in appropriating funds from the central budget. 中央资金重点向少数民族地区倾斜。
- Wu Han are inhabited, scattered and mixed ethnic minority areas. 武都是汉族聚居、少数民族散杂居的地区。
- China has instituted a system of regional autonomy in minority areas. 中国在少数民族聚居地区实行民族区域自治。
- After New China was founded, the old system was abolished and democratic reforms were carried out in one minority area after another. 新中国建立之后,少数民族地区先后实行了民主改革,废除了旧制度。
- The total price tag for the takeover may rise to 12.3 billion reais, taking into consideration an offer for Brasil Telecom\'s minority shareholders, Oi Chief Executive Luiz Eduardo Falco said. 考虑到要约实现的提供者为巴西电信的小股东,收购的总价格可能会上升到123亿雷布尔。
- It is of great value to the development of information in the minority area to design the office with Uighur,Chinese and English multilanguage. 维吾尔文,汉文和英文等多文种办公套件,对少数民族地区信息化的发展,起着重要作用。
- Minority area enacts autonomic byelaw, forestry ordinance, my hall supports energetically and provide guidance and help seriously. 少数民族地区制定自治条例、林业条例,我厅都大力支持并认真提供指导和帮助。
- Current thing ministry gap, outstanding expression is the eastpart part area and western minority area is in economic developmental difference. 当前的东西部差距,突出地表现为东部地区与西部少数民族地区在经济发展上的差距。
- Show level, southeast foreland is the same as minority area to already pulled bigger more in economic developmental difference, but cannot not eliminate however. 现阶段 ,东南沿海地区同少数民族地区在经济发展上的差距已越拉越大 ,但却不是不可消除的。
- India' s minorities, constituting approximately 7% of the population, present an alternative to the dominant caste system. 印度的少数民族人口占总人口的7%25,在印度主流的世袭阶级文化体系之外提供了另外一种选择。
- In 1961, smallpox was eliminated throughout the whole country, including minority areas. 1961年在全国包括少数民族地区消灭了天花。