- Yulania Spaeh 玉兰属
- Abstract : Tree species of Yulania Spach is Chinese traditional ornamental , officinal and spiceberry . 摘要 : 玉兰属树种是中国传统观赏花木和药用及香料植物。
- The cluster result based on AFLP was generally in harmony with the morphologic taxa in Subgenus Yulania. 玉兰亚属种间基于AFLP分析的聚类结果与形态学对种的划分基本吻合。
- The cross-compatibility commonly existed in the same genus of Magnoliaceae, except genus Magnolia (between subgenus Magnolia and Yulania ). 木兰亚属种间杂交均表现为亲和,含笑属有些种间杂交不亲和;
- The results indicate that each of species, varieties or cultivars of Yulania Spach has itself specific zymogram or zymogram factors. 结果表明,该属20种植物的过氧化物同工酶酶谱均有显著差异,每种均有特征酶谱或以酶谱因子不同相区别。
- Studying on the history of classification of Yulania denudata and the specimens which were gathered by author for many years. 摘要作者对多年来采集的玉兰植物标本进行了分类、整理和研究。
- The relationship of Magnolia wufengensis with several other magnolia species in subgenus Yulania, and the taxon status of M. wufengensis were analyzed with AFLP molecular marker. 应用AFLP分子标记技术对红花玉兰与玉兰亚属几个种之间的亲缘关系,以及红花玉兰的分类地位进行了分析。
- It was confirmed that there were 36 species and 3 subspecies of Yulania Spach from Henan, including 13 new species, one new subspecies and 2 subspecies. 主要内容为:基本上查清了河南玉兰属植物共计36种、3亚种(包括13新种、1新亚种和2亚种);
- Yulania denudata 玉兰
- Yulania biondii 望春玉兰
- subgenus Yulania 玉兰亚属
- Yulania Spach 玉兰属
- Sect. Yulania n. 玉兰组
- Subgen. Yulania n. 玉兰亚属
- plant of Yulania Spach 玉兰属植物