- 允许XML数字签名和已加密XML文档的收件人确定应将哪种签名方法和密钥值用于验证和解密。 Allows recipients of XML digital signatures and encrypted XML documents to determine which signing method and key values should be used for validation and decryption.
- XML数字签名 XML digital signature
- 类表示XML加密和XML数字签名的。 Element for both XML encryption and XML digital signatures.
- 元素,该元素由XML数字签名规范定义。 Element of an XML signature defined by the XML digital signature specification.
- 数字 digital (electronics, etc.)
- 签名 to sign (one's name with a pen, etc.)
- 基于不可否认签名方案的XML数字签名技术研究 Research on XML Digital Signature Based Undeniable Signature
- 支持最新的XML数字签名和其它安全XML协议。 Supports the latest XML digital signature and other secure XML protocols.
- XML数字签名技术可以帮助您为无线Web服务应用程序实现轻量级且灵活的安全性解决方案。 XML digital signature technology can help you implement lightweight and flexible security solutions for wireless Web services applications.
- 实现的XKMS服务可以为基于XML数字签名或XML加密标准的应用程序提供良好的密钥/证书服务。 The XKMS service can provide key/certificate service for the application which is based on XML digital signature or XML encryption.
- 在本文中,您学习了安全性在无线Web服务中的重要性并说明了在无线和Web服务端处理XML数字签名的技巧。 In this article, you learned the importance of security in wireless Web services and illustrated techniques to process XML digital signatures on both the wireless and the Web services sides.
- 在这个基础上更进一步,本系列的下一篇文章中我将讨论XML加密和XML数字签名,并提供使用它们的详细指南。 Building further on this foundation, the next article in this series will discuss XML encryption and XML signature, and will provide a step-by-step guide to using them.
- 为SSL协议加上数字签名 Add the Digital Signature to SSL Protocol
- 数字签名链 digital signature chains
- 数字签名算法 CDMA DSA Digital Signature Algorithm
- 盲数字签名 Blind signature
- 群数字签名 group signature
- 数字签名技术 Discussion about Digital Signature Technique
- 多数字签名 multi - digital signature
- DSA数字签名 DSA