- Su San Ling Jiangsu Sanling Flour Co., Ltd. 江苏三零面粉有限公司。
- Why is it relative to Wu San Gui? It's the product of modern craft and stuff! 吴三桂怎么会和这样的东西挂上勾?这是刀把是现代工艺和材料的产物!
- According to the briefing, the pilot "Credit Village" were Banan District million Kawamura, Wu San Tsuen, Guihua Village. 据介绍,此次试点“信用村”分别为巴南区万河村、武新村、桂花村。
- There're three words "Wu San Gui"on handle.On scabbard there're two agates and a green stone inlaid.Inferiror blade stuff,distorted block. 刀柄上刺出"吴三桂"三字,鞘两边各嵌有两颗玛瑙和一颗(绿松石),刃质较差,挡手有一处有些变形
- Zhong Fang is a well respected real estate developer with many successful projects in Shanghai and in the nearby suburbs including Li Jiang Shan Shui located in Xin Zuang and Belle Wood Villas located in San Ling, Pudong. 中房置业是一家著名的、人敬仰的房地产开发商,在上海市区及郊区开发了许多成功的项目,包括坐落于莘庄的漓江山水别墅及浦东三林的美林别墅。
- San ming san ling printing equipment co., Ltd 福建三明市三灵印刷设备有限公司
- San Ling Jie Festival in the Tang Dynasty 唐代三令节
- San Ling Jie poems of Tang Dynasty 唐代三令节
- He sailed from San Francisco for Honolulu. 他从旧金山乘坐轮船去檀香山。
- Professor Wu is extremely modest. 吴教授虚怀若谷。
- Aunt Wu came in, followed by her daughter. 吴大娘走了进来,后面跟着她女儿。
- Allow me to introduce Miss Wu to you. 允许我把吴小姐给您介绍。
- Lao Wu came for her at her lodgings. 老吴到她的住处来接她。
- He incurred the wrath of the emperor for defending Li Ling. 他因为替李陵说话,触怒了皇帝。
- The cargo discharged at San Francisco. 货轮已于旧金山港卸货。
- Wu Ling San, which consists of poria, polyporus, alisma, atractylodes, and cinnamon bark, is implied to have diuretic effects. 五苓散由茯苓、猪苓、泽泻、白术和桂枝5味中草药组成,是临床上具有代表性的消肿利水方剂。
- Chai Ling Tang(CLT) is a formula that combines two traditional Chinese herbal medicine prescriptions of Xiao Chai Hu Tang and Wu Ling San. 柴苓汤是由两个传统中药方剂小柴胡汤和五苓散所组成。
- San Francisco is full of tourists in the summer. 夏天去旧金山旅游的人很多。
- She cabled her aunt in San Francisco. 她发电报给旧金山的姑妈。