- The behavior value system of individual. 个体行为价值系统。
- Easily absorb the essence of the cultural value system. 华文能力强的学生能够很容易地吸收华族文化价值观的精髓。
- A firm's history also contributes to its enduring value system. 一个公司的历史也有助于形成它经久不衰的价值准则系统。
- The poet produced the extreme drop experience and life nihility sense while reviewing the past world, began to deny and revise the value system once held. 诗人在回顾过去世界时,产生了极端的落差体验和生命虚无感,开始否定并修正曾经持有的价值体系。
- To accomplish this, each parts supplier must have the same inner value system. 为了实现这一承诺,每个零件供应商都必须具有同样的内部价值体系。
- To accomplish this,each parts supplier must have the same inner value system. 为了实现这一承诺,每个零件供应商都必须具有同样的内部价值体系。
- A value system represents what is expected or hoped for, required or forbidden. 价值体系体现的是人们期望的、希望的、被要求的以及不允许做的事情。
- Worthy refer to our value system which determines the quality of the journey. 有价值是指我们的价值系统,它决定了旅程的质量。
- The fundament for harmonious culture: the socialist core value system. 和谐文化之本:社会主义核心价值体系。
- Once this value system is set up, it's not easy to change later in life. 一旦这种价值体系建立,以后就很难再改变了。
- On this basis, construct the core value system by the process of community. 在此基础上,提出在社会化的过程中构建核心价值体系。
- But organic food is so popular that its value system is in jeopardy. 但是有机食品很受欢迎,它的价值体系也岌岌可危。
- Lastly, the paper uses two examples to check the validity of this value system. 最后论文对两个案例的具体应用,验证了该评价体系的有效性。
- Worthy refers to our value system,which determines the quality of the journey. 有价值是指我们的价值系统,它决定了旅程的质量。
- Countries in the world differ in historical tradition, cultural background, and social system and certainly in value systems. 世界各国有不同的历史传统、文化背景、社会制度,当然也包括不同的价值观念。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Students of advanced Chinese language abilities can easily absorb the essence of the cultural value system. 华文能力强的学生能够很容易地吸收华族文化价值观的精髓。
- The only way to dispel an immoral practice is to build a social value system tat advocates ethics and morality. 根除一种不道德行为的惟一途径就是建立一个提倡伦理和道德的社会价值体系。
- The situation poses a grave threat to world peace. 这局势对世界和平构成了严重的威胁。
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。