- Whitehead group of a ring 环的怀特黑德群
- The head of a monastery or a group of monasteries. 修道院名誉院长修道院或一组修道院的院长
- A subset S of a ring A is a subring of A. 环A的子集S叫作A的子环。
- The habitation of a hermit or group of hermits. 隐士住处一位或一群隐士住的地方
- The giving of a ring as a token of engagement. 赠送戒指作为订婚的象征。
- One of a group of colorless, volatile, heterocyclic organic compounds containing a ring of four carbon atoms and one oxygen atom, obtained from wood oils and used in the synthesis of furfural and other organic compounds. 呋喃无色、易挥发的杂环有机化合物的一种,含有一个由四个碳原子和一个氧原子构成的环,从桐油提炼出来,用于合成糠醛及其它有机化合物
- He carved his initials on the inside of a ring. 他把他的姓名缩写刻在一枚戒指的内侧。
- The director of a group of church singers. 唱诗班指挥一队教堂歌手的指挥
- Legal action brings on behalf of a group of people. 代表一个集团进行的诉讼。
- Covering the whole of a group of parts, etc. 包括一切的,总括的。
- The habitation of a hermitor group of hermits. 隐士住处一位或一群隐士住的地方。
- Any of a group of mountain nymphs. 奥丽亚德高山仙女之一
- Follows the lives of a group of teenagers. 本片讲述一群少年的生活。
- One of a group of four identical things. 一式四份中的一份四件相同的物件中的一个
- All things or all of a group of things. 一切,所有事物一切事物或一个总体中的所有事物
- Software is made up of a group of related programs. 软件是由一组相互有关的程序组成的。
- What are the basic elements of a rings routine? 吊环规定动作的基本组成是什么?
- She found him in the midst of a group of his usual friends. 她在他的一群老朋友中找到了他。
- A member of a group of elite, highly loyal supporters. 禁卫军一支精锐的皇家军队中的成员
- Such shortening is part of a cell's aging process, and since cancer cells keep dividing forever, the Whitehead group reasoned that making human cells more mouselike might also make them cancerous. 而这种变短正是细胞老化过程的一部分。由于癌细胞不断分裂,白首研究小组推理认为,如果使人体细胞变的像老鼠细胞,那就有可能使它们成为癌细胞。