- What's his title? Is he Doctor or just Professor? 称呼他什么?博士还是教授?
- Daniel, uh, what 's his name, Daniel Jonies ? 丹尼尔,呃,他叫什么名字,丹尼尔。 琼斯?
- I don't love Jim and I care nothing for his money and his title. 我不爱吉姆,也不稀罕他的金钱和他的头衔。
- When a boy first began his training to become a knight, his title was squire. 开始接受骑士训练的男孩的头衔是扈从。
- The firm hired Mr Green to be hatchet man; his title is that of Executive Vice President. 公司雇用格林先生专门负责整顿工作,他的头衔是行政副总裁。
- He was disgraced and stripped of his title. 他名誉扫地,被取消了头衔。
- He ascribe s his success to skill and hard work. 他把自己的成就归功于熟练的技巧和努力的工作。
- He resumed his possession of his title. 他恢复了他的头衔。
- This non sequitur invalidate s his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效.
- He successfully defended his title 25 times. 他25次卫冕成功。
- One's love affaire are one's his own busiress. 一个人的爱情是他自己的事情。
- This is his title, not his name. 这是他的称号,并不是他的名字。
- Genghis Khan is his title, not his name. 韩佳:成吉思汗是他的称号,并不是他的名字。
- Acorss his shoulder wa s his father's big hunting spear. 肩膀上扛着父亲打猎用过的大矛枪。
- S6: what ’s his name ? oh , what is his family name ? We know nothing about his father. Mrs Rui, tell us more! 我对我的个子开了个玩笑,大家都善意得笑着,或高或矮已不是个问题了。
- The champion is laying his title on the line in the fight tonight. 拳王今晚将冒着失去冠军头衔的危险而战。
- It' s his turn to wash up but he' ll try and duck out of it. 轮到他刷锅洗碗; 他却想法儿逃避.
- When a boy first begin his training to become a knight,his title is squire. 开始接受骑士训练的男孩的头衔是扈从。
- At the end the author has only brushed lightly over the subject of his title. 最后作者对主题只是轻轻一笔带过。
- She' s his match ( ie as good as or better than him ) when it comes to chess. 若下国际象棋的话; 她与他棋逢对手.