- Western China towns 西部小城镇
- China Town is one of these phenomena. 唐人街就是这样一种现象。
- Vietnam and Western China now beckon. 如今越南和中国西部在招手。
- This is an important task of the Western China Development Office. 这是今年西部开发办的一项重要工作。
- Water resources in Western China are of special concern. 西部地区的水资源尤为令人关注。
- We can go China Town for a good Chinese dinner if you'd like. 如果你喜欢的话,我们可以到唐人街去吃一次地道的中国菜。
- And transitive archaeological material from western China. 中国西部变化的考古学材料。
- CDB's loans to central and western China stay around 65%. 开行投向中西部地区的贷款始终保持在65%25左右。
- The crust in western China is in the state of isostasy. 中国西部地壳处于地壳均衡状态。
- The discovery of oil in western China has helped the economy there. 在中国西部发现石油对当地的经济有很大帮助。
- It will play a crucial role in the economic take-off in western China. 这是实现西部地区经济起飞的一个重要因素。
- More Chinese live in China Town than in any other part of the world outside China. 有许多中国人住在唐人街,其人数比中国本土之外世界其他任何地方的华人都多。
- This relatively simple way of life, nature, and the town now compared to a bit backward, but it still exists in many regions of western China. 这种生活方式比较古朴、自然,和现在城市相比有点落后,不过它依然存在与中国西部许多地区。
- The society of overseas Chinese from the Five Counties, which blood relationship characterizes,is a big society of a long history in China Towns mainly in Americas and Asia. 五邑侨团在海外唐人街是成立早、势力大的社会组织,集中分布在美洲、亚洲,其血缘性因素很大。
- At present, the mining industry has already become a mainstay in Western China. 目前矿业也已经成为西部地区重要的支柱性产业。
- At present,the mining industry has already become a mainstay in Western China. 目前矿业也已经成为西部地区重要的支柱性产业。
- He shot pictures through realistic style with a modern girl in a cheong-sam, appearing among local people in the scene of a small town in western China. 他让一个年轻的现代女子穿上了旗袍,或虚或实地出现在现实主义手法拍摄的西部小镇场景中,混杂在居住于彼时彼地的人们当中。
- Meanwhile, the Chinese and local Indonesians guarded their houses side by side around the China Town in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta. 与此同时在印度尼西亚首都雅加达的中国城一带,华人和当地的印狄人肩并肩守卫着自己的住宅。
- There is an acute shortage of water in the remote areas in western China. 中国西部的偏远地区严重缺水。
- Afterward head to Victoria's china town、inner harbour area、the Fairmont Empress hotel and Parliament building. 随后抵达唐人街、港湾区、帝后酒店、省议会大楼等。另可自费参观博物馆、蜡像馆等。