- Gongzhuling City is located in the mid west part of Jilin Province, is a famous national commercial grain base and livestock development base. 公主岭市位于吉林省中西部,是国家著名的商品粮基地和畜牧业发展基地。
- The west part of Jilin province is situated at the east border of Kerqin sandy land and in the middle and west of Songliao plain. 吉林省西部位于科尔沁沙地的东缘,松辽平原的中西部,处于半湿润、半干旱的农牧交错带。
- Studies and Utilization of Resources of Wild Fruit Trees in the West Part of Jilin Province 吉林省西部野生果树资源的研究与利用
- The Scarcity Status of Water Resource and the Prevention and Cure Measure to Deserfication in West Part of Jilin Province 吉林省西部水资源短缺现状及荒漠化防治措施
- the west part of Jilin province 吉林西部
- West part of jilin province 吉林西部
- Through explicating the key irrigation water period definition and analyzing the irrigation test data, the paper advances maize key irrigation period in Jilin province west part. 通过对旱作物关键灌水期定义的解释,以及对灌溉试验资料的分析,提出了吉林省西部玉米作物的关键灌水期,为高效、经济灌溉提供了决策依据。
- Located in the central part of northeast China, Jilin Province is hinterland of Northeast Asia as well. 吉林省位于中国东北地区的中部,亦是东北亚地区的腹地。
- The Jinchengdong region is an important part of the JiapigouJinchengdong gold mineralization zone in Jilin province. 吉林省金城洞地区是吉林省夹皮沟金城洞金矿成矿带的重要组成之一。
- The Rocky Mountains lie in the west part of America. 落基山脉位于美国西部。
- Siwujiazi Oilfield, located in Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province, is a part of the of Yangdachengzi anticline at Southeast Upwelling Area of the Songliao Basin. 摘要松辽盆地四五家子油田位于吉林省公主岭市内,在构造上是松辽盆地东南隆起区杨大城子背斜的一部分。
- It starts in Hengren County in east Liaoning and ends in Xinbin County in the west part of the province. 这条辽宁的“水生命线”将在2009年底全面完工并初步通水。
- JiLin province,situated in the central part of northeast China,plays an important role in researching both the origin of prehistoric jades and cultural exchange in this area. 吉林省位于中国东北地区中部,在研究史前玉器起源和该地区的文化交流中起着重要作用。
- Tongshi district of secondary volcanic complex rock mass is a new district of gold development in the west part of shandong Province. 平邑县铜石次火山杂岩体区是鲁西黄金发展新区,众多的金矿化体聚于杂岩体的内部及周边,构成了多种定位样式矿化群聚的组合体。
- Qingjun, also named Qingjiangjun in ancient times, is located in west part of Hubei province (namely Enshi prefecture at present). 清郡,是古时对清江郡的简称,即今天湖北鄂西,即恩施州一带。
- The 85.3 kilometer long tunnel has a diameter of eight meters.It starts in Hengren County in east Liaoning and ends in Xinbin County in the west part of the province. 辽宁省水利厅厅长史会云说,由于整个工程采取了具有世界先进水平的安全控制措施,这项巨大的工程至今没有一起施工死亡事故,这本身就是工程界的奇迹。
- The 85.3 kilometer long tunnel has a diameter of eight meters. It starts in Hengren County in east Liaoning and ends in Xinbin County in the west part of the province. 这一条直径8米的隧道有85.;3公里长。它东起辽宁省东部亨格伦县西至辽宁省西部新宾县。
- Wubu county is located in the northeast of ShaanXi province,southeast of YuLin city,it nears the middle west part of Yellow River.oposite of the river it is province of Shanxi. 吴堡县位于陕西省东北部,榆林市东南部,黄河中游之西滨,与山西省隔河相望。
- A part of this urgent task was allotted to us. 这项紧急任务的一部分分给了我们。
- My inn had once been a part of an ancient ecclesiastical house. 我的客栈曾经是一个古老教会的房子的一部分。