- Simple Simon went a-fishing, For to catch a whale; All the water he had got Was in his mother's pail. 无知的西蒙去钓鱼想要钓一条鲸鱼然而他所有的水。
- John was in Dutch with his mother because he tore his new coat. 约翰把新上衣挂破了,他母亲很生气。
- John was in his mother's bad graces because he spilled his milk on the tablecloth. 约翰因把牛奶泼到桌布上而使母亲生气。
- He was in his socks, because he didn't want his mother, who slept in the room below, to know that he was still awake. 他光穿着袜子,因为他不愿睡在他底下房间里的母亲知道他还没睡。
- It was in vain that we tried to find his mother. 我们设法寻找他的母亲,但毫无结果。
- At 40, he was in his prime and full of vigour. 他40岁时正年富力强。
- David was in a box because his mother wanted him to stay home and his father wanted him to go shopping. 大卫左右为难,因为他妈妈要他呆在家里,而他爸爸要他去买东西。
- He was in his employer's good graces. 他深得雇主的赏识。
- Grandpa seems to be in his second childhood. 祖父好像有些老年痴呆。
- Job was in Dutch with his mother for stealing the teacher's watch. 母亲对乔布很不高兴,因为他偷了老师的手表
- His mother was in hopes that he would he an excellent doctor. 他的母亲期望他会成为一名出色的医生。
- The child was in his seventh heaven with his new toys. 那小孩玩着新玩具真是快乐极了。
- If I were in your shoes, I'd tell his mother. 我要是处在你的地位,我就告诉她的妈妈。
- For some reason or other I am in his bad books. 由于某种原因,我为他所不满。
- The missing letter was in his pocket, if you please? 奇怪!那封丢失的信竟然在他的口袋里。
- If I were in your shoes,I'd tell his mother. 我要是处在你的地位,我就告诉她的妈妈。
- I must be in his black books because he keeps deliberately avoiding me. 我一定不讨他的喜欢,因为他总是故意避开我。
- Our teacher wants each and every student to be in his office at ten o'clock. 我们的老师要每个学生在10点钟都到他的办公室去。
- Neither Hal nor Oscar was in his place. 哈尔和斯卡都不在其位。
- My mother, my wives, and my son are in his hands. 妈妈,我的妻子、儿子都在他的手中。