- Jordan Gene: Jumping Gene Found in Volvox Carteri 乔丹基因:在团藻中发现的跳跃基因
- Volvox carteri n. 强壮团藻
- The gene that stops the body cells of Volvox reproducing is called regA. 阻止团藻体细胞分化的基因叫做regA。
- Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) - Inhaled: clears lungs, stimulates the immune system. On skin: good for aging skin. Eases sores and inflammations. 茴香:吸入可降低食欲,帮助消化。用于皮肤:是一种很好的调理肌肤的精油(调色剂),可预防皱纹产生。警告:怀孕期间禁用(不推荐孕者使用)。
- Any of various freshwater green algae of the genus Volvox that form hollow, spherical multicellular colonies. 团藻一种团藻属淡水绿藻,形成空的、球状的多细胞群落
- We cannot be certain that Gonium, pandonina, Eudonna, and Pleodorina represent stages in the evolution of multicellular Volvox from unicellular chlamydomonas. 我们不能肯定盘藻、实球藻、空球藻和杂球藻代表从单细胞衣藻到多细胞因藻的各进化阶段。
- Clearly, Volvox evolved from similar algae that exist only as single cells, but until now the genetics of the process have been obscure. 毫无疑问团藻是由类似的只以单细胞形式存在的藻类进化而来,但直到现在这一过程的遗传学原理依然模糊不清。
- But Volvox shows the sort of thing to look for: a gene that stops reproduction in single-celled creatures and has been co-opted to do a new job. 但团藻提示了我们应该寻找的东西:即一个能阻止单细胞生物繁殖又被指定了新任务的基因。
- When that happened, individual cells could turn their reproductive capacity on or off according to the function they served in Volvox's body. 这个突变让团藻的各个细胞根据自身的角色打开或关闭自己的生殖功能。
- An adult Volvox consists of around 2,000 body cells, whose job is to move the organism around using their flagella, and 16 cells capable of reproducing. 一株成年团藻由大约2000个体细胞组成,它们用它们的鞭毛移动整个团藻,而16个细胞具有繁殖功能。
- Volvox aureus Ehrenb. [医] 金团藻[虫]
- Volvox globator L. [医] 球团藻[虫]
- Volvox L. [医] 团藻[虫]属
- any of various freshwater green algae of the genus Volvox that form hollow,spherical multicellular colonies 团藻一种团藻属淡水绿藻,形成空的、球状的多细胞群落
- Some of the commoner orders include:Volvocales, unicellular and colonial plants, e. g.Chlamydomonas, Volvox; 一些常见的目有团藻目,其中包括单细胞类型或群体类型,例如衣藻属或团藻属。
- Borrelia carteri [医] 卡特氏包柔氏螺旋体, 印度回归热螺旋体
- Spirillum carteri [医] 卡特氏螺菌, 卡特氏包柔氏螺旋体
- Spirochaeta carteri [医] 印度回归热螺旋体, 卡特氏包柔氏螺旋体
- Volvox: a beautiful microscopic life-form http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/indexmag.html?http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/art97b/volvoxms.html 发酵工程与微生物学研究所微生物工业保藏中心,保藏有细菌、真菌及酵母菌(英文)。详细资料
- Spironema carteri [医] 卡特氏线螺旋体, 卡特氏包柔氏螺旋体, 印度回归热线螺旋体