- I only heard a monotonous voice of the singer. 我只听到那个歌唱家单调的声音。
- A good leader should always pay heed to the voice of the masses. 一位好领导应该经常注意倾听群众的呼声。
- The hall echoed with the ringing voice of the children. 孩子们清脆的声音在大厅里回荡。
- Love, fear and hope are affections of the mind. 爱,恐惧和希望都是头脑的属性。
- Existing independently of the mind. 客观的,物质的与精神无关的
- A Chinese wall of the mind and emotions separates us from the film. 难以逾越的意向与感情上的障碍使我们与这部影片格格不入。
- The sonorous voice of the priest resounded in the church. 教士那圆润低沉的声音在教堂里回响。
- The idea was gradually instilled in the mind of the young prince. 那种思想已逐渐灌输到了年幼的王子的头脑中。
- The voice of the caller alerted her. 呼唤者的声音使她警觉起来。
- Solemnity is a trick of the body to hide the faults of the mind. 一本正经的态度,是肉体为了掩饰精神上的缺陷而作出的一手花招。
- The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth. 绿树长到了我的窗前,仿佛是喑哑的大地发出的向往之声。
- Even if she never hears the voice of the gods? 即使她不能听见神谕的声音?
- Sublime is the dominion of the mind over the body. 精神对肉体的制约是至高无尚的。
- The voice of the people is the voice of god. 人民的声音就是神的声音。
- He travelled in the unexplored regions of the mind. 他遨游于那些未经探索的精神领域。
- Our newspaper represents the voice of the people. 我们的报纸代表著人民的心声。
- The voice of the singer still rings in my ears. 歌唱家的声音仍萦绕在我耳边。
- Speech is the voice of the heart. 言为心之声。
- The culture of the mind is vital. 修心养性是极其重要的。
- The face is the index of the mind. [谚]脸是心灵的镜子。