- If you don't like the view from your flying car, you may prefer the one from an aircraft from Virgin Galactic, a high-flying offshoot of Virgin Atlantic Airways. 如果你不喜欢从飞天汽车上所看到的风景,你可能会喜欢维京大西洋航空公司下属的分管高空飞行的分公司,维京银河的一种航天器业务。
- Virgin Atlantic Airways 维珍航空;英国航空公司
- Sir Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Atlantic, has mischievously suggested that his old rival BA could go bust.Aviation analysts think that unlikely. 英国维珍航空的创始人理查德.;布兰森还戏谑的表示:我的老对手BA要完蛋了,而航空业分析家们则持反对看法。
- On May 4, 2000, Lucie Blackman, wearing high heels and a silver and black ensemble coordinated to match her Samsonite luggage, disembarked from a 13-hour Virgin Atlantic flight from London to Tokyo and stepped into Japan's national nightmare. 2000年5月4日,露茜 - 布莱克曼穿着高跟鞋和与她的银色行李箱相配的银黑套装走下飞机,结束了她从伦敦到东京长达13个小时的首次跨越大西洋之旅,步入了日本举国噩梦之中。
- There were a couple of strange things about the Virgin Atlantic Boeing 747 that taxied out along one of London Heathrow's two main runways and took off into the bright sky late Sunday morning. 周日上午,维尔京大西洋航空公司波音747专机沿着伦敦希思罗的两条主要跑道之一滑行,起飞到明亮的天空中。
- Virgin Atlantic unaccompanied children on flights Virgin Atlantic friendship prompted again, where children under the age of 16 must apply for a separate flight unaccompanied children procedures. 维珍航空再次友情提示,凡未满16周岁的儿童单独飞行必须办理无成人陪伴儿童手续。
- North Atlantic Airways and Air Communications Service 北大西洋航路与航空通信局
- She remained a virgin all her life. 她终生未婚。
- This is the virgin voyage of the ship. 这是这艘船的处女航。
- Your carrier for this flight is British Airways. 你的这一班机是英国航空公司的飞机。
- The Virgin Mary. Often used with Our. 圣母玛丽亚。常与our连用
- There were no footmarks on the virgin snow. 洁白的雪上没有脚印。
- Submarine cables were laid across the Atlantic. 铺设了横越大西洋的海底电缆。
- This river flowed southwest to the Atlantic Ocean. 这条河流向西南,汇入大西洋。
- The troop ships were convoyed across the Atlantic. 运兵船被护送渡过大西洋。
- A quarter of the area is covered with virgin forest. 四分之一的地区都是原始森林。
- Atlantic Airways 大西洋航空,丹麦航空公司
- Euro Atlantic Airways 欧洲大西洋航空,葡萄牙航空公司
- It took them several days to cross the Atlantic Ocean. 他们花了好几天的时间穿越大西洋。
- The new mayor delivered his virgin speech this afternoon. 今天下午新市长作了第一次演讲。