- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- Variable Sunbird n. 易变花蜜鸟
- The prices are variable, shop around by all means. 价格高低不一,所以一定要货比三家逐店选购。
- The temperature was a variable in the experiment. 在该实验中温度是个变量。
- A finite increment in a variable. 变量增量变量的有限增量
- The speed of the toy boat is variable. 玩具船的速度是可变的。
- Winds are mainly light and variable. 风力较弱,风向多变。
- A programmed time delay of variable duration. 暂停,展宽一种由程序设置的可变持续时间的时间延迟
- GuangZhou Sunbird Culture Spreading Co., Ltd. 广州火之鸟文化传播有限公司。
- China HuNan Sunbird Yacht Manufacture Co., Ltd. 湖南太阳鸟游艇制造有限公司。
- Sunbird Taxi Service here. Can I help you? 我是太阳鸟出租车公司。能为你帮忙吗?
- Sunbird passes on from generation to generation beautiful fable. 一个世代相传的美丽传说。
- An estimator is a random variable. 估计量是一个随机变量。
- A variable resister is called a rheostat. 可以调节的电阻器叫做变阻器。
- There are two ways to refer to a static variable. 有两个办法可引用一个static变量。
- Nine first three foot sunbird Wuhan web cams are anticipating you! 九个头三只脚的太阳鸟武汉网民期待着您!
- Eurasian toad with variable chiefly green coloring. 欧亚大陆的各种主要为绿色的蟾蜍。
- Make you enjoy a long-lost “kingdom of Sunbird deity”. 让您走进一个失落已久的“太阳神鸟王国”。
- To become zero. Used of a function or variable. 成零变成零。用于函数或变量
- A mark used as a superscript to indicate the first derivative of a variable. 撇号置于右上角的符号,用以标明变量的第一个导数