- Valid way for coal replace oil 实现以煤代油的有效途径
- NSCs existing in the adult brain may provide a valid way for self-repair after brain injury. 成年脑内存在神经干细胞为脑损伤后的自我修复提供了可能。
- The system provides a valid way for solve the problems of agriculture machine ICAD. 近年来国内外对装配模型及建模方法进行了深入的研究,但目前还未形成完整的理论体系和实用的建模手段。
- The resultsshow that it is a valid way for making high - pure metal terbium adopting preducing fluoride with low temperature and vacuum distillation, and we engage in investigation to influence facts. 结果表明:采用低温氟化,真空蒸馏是制备高纯金属铽的有效方法,并对其影响因素作了探讨。
- Progress on Coal Replacing Oil Technology Research 煤代油技术研究进展
- Please make way for the president. 请给总统让路。
- Such opinions pave the way for social change. 这种主张为社会变革铺路。
- All traffic has to make way for a fire-engine. 所有车辆都得给消防车让路。
- You're well-off for coal, I hope. 但愿你们有足够的煤。
- Is argument from order/ design a valid way to argue for Christian theism? 从秩序或设计角度出发,是正确的辩护基督教有神论的途径吗?
- The area was bulldozed to make way for a new road. 那片地已被推土机推平用以修筑新路。
- The demand for coal begins to slacken off in the spring. 煤的需求在春天开始减少。
- Is argument from order/design a valid way to argue for Christian theism? 从秩序或设计角度出发,是正确的辩护基督教有神论的途径吗?
- He was pushed out to make way for the director's son. 为了给厂长的儿子让位,他被解雇了。
- The merchant received a large order for coal. 那个商人收到了一份购买许多煤的定单。
- Experiments that paved the way for future research. 为将来的研究工作铺平了道路的实验
- How/What did you do for coal during the miners' strike? 矿工罢工期间你是怎样搞到煤的?
- His economic policies paved the way for industrial expansion. 他的经济政策为工业的扩展铺平了道路。
- This agreement will pave the way for a lasting peace. 这个协议将为持久和平铺路。
- WITH REPLACE can also be used in the same way for the RESTORE LOG option. WITH REPLACE也可以同样的方式用于RESTORE LOG选项。