- Unless otherwise requested, the database server returns the rows of a table in an order that has no meaning. 除非另有要求,否则数据库服务器返回表中行的顺序没有任何意义。
- On the award being taken up by one party only, I will unless otherwise requested dispatch a copy by first class post to the other party. 倘若只有一方当事人领取了裁决书,除非另有要求,我将用头等邮寄方式把一份副本寄给另一方当事人。
- But the road to see some interesting signs, such as "unless otherwise requested the right to kitted skills," with some saucy and humane. 不过路上看到了一些有趣的指示牌, 比如“除非身怀绝技否则请向右转”,带着一点俏皮和人情味。
- Above term shall apply unless otherwise mention. 除非另有说明书,上述条件一概适用。
- Unless Otherwise Requested 除非另有要求
- The price remains the same unless otherwise stated. 除非另行通知,否则价格不变。
- Unless otherwise provided in the mortgage contract. 抵押合同另有约定的,按照约定。
- If tested samples are not requested to be returned, STC will discard it upon finishing the project, unless otherwise required by the appropriated certifications. 不需退回之样品,将会于测试完成后由本公司销毁。
- All papers are written in English unless otherwise stated. Content are available on request. 如无特别说明,所有论文都为英文书写。欲览详细内容,请向本人索取。
- Features are available with all providers unless otherwise noted. 除非另行说明,否则这些可用于所有提供程序。
- Please fill out this Form in Chinese, unless otherwise stated. 说明:除非另有标明,请用中文填写本表。
- Unless otherwise agreed,delivery shall be Ex Works(EXW). 除非另有约定,应以工厂交货(EXW)为交货术语。
- All pierce die holes will be buttoned unless otherwise specified. 除非其他说明,所有的下模冲孔都应使用入子。
- Unless otherwise agreed, delivery shall be "Ex Works" (EXW). 除非另有约定,应采用“工厂交货”(EXW)方式交货。
- In this book the word is used in its original sense unless otherwise stated . 在这本书里,这个词是用它的本义,除非另有说明。
- References to any time of day are to London time, unless otherwise stated. 在提到任何时间时均指伦敦时间。
- Unless otherwise noted, you can edit these properties in the Properties window. 除非另行说明,否则这些属性都可以在“属性”窗口中编辑。
- Direction of feed shall be from right to left hand unless otherwise specified. 除非其他指明,材料送料方向应从右到左。
- We will only accept goods returns or exchanges due to major quality problems. Otherwise requested will be disqualified. 我们将只接受货物的回报或交换,由于主要的质量问题。另有要求将被取消。
- All quotations are subject to our final confirmation unless otherwise stated. "所作报价;除特别注明外;须经我方确认后方能生效.;"