- Do you know how to get unemployment insurance? 你知道如何得到失业保险吗?
- A bill to modernise unemployment insurance has already passed the House of Representatives, though it languishes in the Senate. 一个让失业保险更符合现况的法案已经送到众议院,虽然它在参议院遇到困难。
- We need to improve the unemployment insurance system. 完善失业保险制度。
- Unemployment insurance, as one of these, began in 1986. 解决社会失业问题,我们有一套措施,其中失业保险从1986年就开始着手搞。
- When his unemployment insurance runs out, he would have to go on the dole. 当他失业保险金用完了,他就得靠政府救济金。
- An individual who files a claim for unemployment insurance benefits. 提出索赔以便领取失业保险金的人员。
- Wages earned or paid during the base period of an unemployment insurance claim. 在失业保险索赔的基本周期内支付或所得的工资。
- An unemployment insurance claim based on wage credits from more than one state. 根据多个州的工资记录提出的失业保险索赔。
- Services for an employer that are covered by the unemployment insurance law. 失业保险法涵盖的用人单位的服务种类。
- Your unemployment insurance will inure from the third week of your being out of work. 从你失业的第三周起,你的失业保险就开始生效。
- Unemployment insurance and income tax are taken out of your pay before you get it. 你领到的工资中已经扣除了失业保险和所得税。
- Any outrageous charges on your insurance bills? 您的保险单有大额费用吗?
- The unemployment insurance premiums paid by enterprises now only account for 0.6-1 percent of their total payroll. 失业保险基金现在收缴率只占企业上交工资总额的0.;6%25至1%25,失业保险金少。
- We should improve the systems of unemployment insurance and subsistence allowances for urban residents. 健全失业保险制度和城市居民最低生活保障制度。
- A request for a hearing to reconsider a state agency's decision about an individual's unemployment insurance benefits. 要求听证以便重新考虑州政府代表人有关个人失业保险金决定的请求。
- Payroll taxes paid by employers that are used to pay unemployment insurance benefits. 用人单位提供的用于支付失业保险金的工资税。
- A person who assists in the filing of unemployment insurance claims and offers related assistance to claimants. 帮助提出失业保险索赔并且向申领人提供相关帮助的人员。
- We should steadily incorporate living allowances for laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises into the unemployment insurance. 稳步推进国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障向失业保险并轨。
- An agency, business, organization or other employing unit that is subject to the unemployment insurance law of any state. 遵守任何州政府的失业保险法的代理机构、商业组织或其它用人单位。
- The number of people who did not draw unemployment insurance money was 3.12 million in 2001. 2001年末领取失业保险金的人数为312万人。