- Ultrasounic Elastography 超声弹性成像
- Objective: To investigate the clinical value of real-time tissue elastography (RTE) in the diagnosis of breast Cancer. 摘要目的:探讨实时组织弹性成像(RTE)诊断乳腺肿瘤的应用价值。
- Objective To evaluate the elastography application in differentiating benign and malignant breast tumors. 目的评价组织弹性成像技术在鉴别诊断乳腺良、恶性肿块中的价值。
- Objective To explore the value of ultrasonic elastography in qualitative diagnosing breast parenchymatous tumors. 摘要目的探讨超声弹性成像对乳腺实性肿瘤定性诊断的价值。
- Purpose: To explore the value of ultrasound elastography in differentiating benign breast lesions from malignant ones. 目的:探讨超声弹性成像在鉴别乳腺病变良恶性上的价值。
- In the applications of ultrasound elastography in prostate and intravascular elastography,the direction of tissue compression is radial. 超声弹性成像在前列腺的应用以及血管弹性成像中,组织压缩的方向是沿径向的。
- Two recent studies have found that magnetic resonance elastography (MRE), a new imaging technique, is an accurate tool for noninvasive diagnosis of liver disease. 两项最新的研究表明核磁共振组织弹性成像(MRE),一种新的成像技术,是一种非侵袭性诊断肝脏疾病的工具。
- Methods:zusanli acupuncture treatment on 52 patients of gastroptosis with ultrasounic diagnosis for two to five courses,to observe the change of stomach position and its function. 方法:对52例超声诊断胃下垂的病人进行针刺足三里等穴治疗2到5个疗程,观察胃位置和功能的改变。
- The distribution of atherosclerotic plaque, degree of stenosis and ultrasounic classification of ECA and the mean velocity of blood flow in MCA were examined. 检测分析指标为颅外段颈动脉粥样硬化斑块的分布、狭窄度、超声分型和颅内大脑中动脉的平均血流速度。
- Many non -invasive diagnostic techniques have been embarked upon clinical practices including contrast-enhanced EUS, EUS elastography and computer-assisted image analysis. 造影增强内镜超声、弹性成像诊断术以及计算机图形识别等多项无创诊断技术已应用于临床;
- According to this standard,ultrasounic accurate rate were 74%,77%,respectively,compared with operative and pathological findings,and all cases with Li(?)and Gi(?)were judged correctly. 根据此标准,并与手术及病理结果对照,超声诊断总的正确率分别为74%25、77%25,其中Li(?)及Gi(?)均得到正确诊断;
- The understanding of ultrasound elastography,can deepen our understanding of the effects on ultrasound elasto g-raphy,and guide us to se lect ap plicable meth ods and param eters to ach... 通过对应变滤波器的理解,可以加深对超声弹性成像效果的理解,并对采用合适的方法和参数以获得最佳的成像效果以指导。
- Methods Elastography was conducted on 110 patients with 115 breast tumors to differentiate benign tumors from malignant tumors,and the results were compared with those by post-operative pathology. 方法用组织弹性成像技术对110例患者的115个乳腺肿块进行良、恶性的鉴别诊断,并与术后的病理结果进行对照。
- Ultrasounic digital phased array dynamic focusing system 超声数字式相控阵换能器动态聚焦系统研制
- Ultrasounic cavitation field lance at high frequency 高频超声空化场喷射枪
- Keywords zusanli;gastroptosis;ultrasounic observation; 足三里;胃下垂;超声观察;
- Keywords indole;aromatic aldehyde;isopropylidene amalonates;ultrasounic wave; 吲哚;芳香醛;丙二酸亚异丙酯;超声波;
- The Clinical Curative Effect of Erythema and Scar of Skin by the Treatment of Ultrasounic Delivery of Drugs 超声波药物导入治疗创伤后皮肤红斑瘢痕的临床疗效
- Adaptive-Degree Polynomial Filter Applied to Axial Strain Calculation in Ultrasound Elastography 自适应阶次多项式滤波器用于超声弹性成像中的纵向应变计算
- Using Ultrasounic Oral Bowel Contrast Solution to Diagnosing Colorectal Non-Space-Occupied Lesion 应用口服肠道超声显影液诊断结直肠非占位性病变