- The Study on Natural Regeneration of Ulmus elongata 长序榆天然更新调查研究
- Influence of the Different Densities on the Growth of Ulmus elongata Seedlings 不同密度对长序榆苗期生长的影响
- Application of the Sequential Sample Cluster Analysis in the Height Growth Stage Division of Ulmus elongata Seedlings 有序样本聚类分析在长序榆苗高生长期划分中的应用
- The Height Growth of Ulmus elongata Seedlings and Its Correlations with Climatic Factors 长序榆苗木的高生长及与气象因子的关联分析
- Ulmus elongata n. 长序榆
- Bartrarnia halleriana var. elongata Turn. 梨蒴珠藓皱叶变种Bartramia pomiformis var.;elongata Turn
- Technology of Grafting Ulmus pumila var, pendula Rehd. 垂榆嫁接技术。
- Law of water change of top buds of Paulownia elongata seedlings. 兰考泡桐苗木顶芽水分变化规律研究。
- Experiment on Grafting and Planting of Ulmus pumila var. Pendula Rehd. 垂榆嫁接及栽植的试验研究。
- A Preliminary Study on the Mathematic Model of Leaf Area of Ulmus pumila Linn. 与相似的文献。
- An elm tree(Ulmus alata) of the southeast United States,having twigs with winged,corky edges. 翅榆一种美国东南部榆树(翼枝长序榆榆属),具有有翼和软木质的小枝
- Preliminary analysis on genetics of phenotype measuration of plus tree of Ulmus pumita Linn. 白榆优树表型测定的遗传学初步分析。
- A Study on the Distant Hybridization between Populus alba Linn. And Ulmus pumila Linn. 银白杨与白榆远缘杂交的研究。
- The objective of this study was to evaluate the impacts of fungi on components and structure of Paulownia elongata wood and to control wood stain more effectively. 为弄清真菌对变色泡桐木材成分与结构的影响;更加有效防治泡桐木材变色;该文对真菌引起的变色泡桐木材成分含量及其结构进行了研究.
- When Urochela quadrinotata Reuter harms Ulmus pumila,the spread of disease will take a turn for the worse. 红足壮异蝽的危害能加重病害的流行和扩展。
- Otherwise, the phenology phases of ulmus pumila are not significantly related to precipitation and sunshine duration. 研究表明,榆树物候与降水、日照关系不显著。
- Title: Effect of salt stress on activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in Ulmus pumila L. 关键词:白榆;盐胁迫;电解质相对外渗率;超氧物歧化酶
- The main plant are Ulmus pumila and Celtis bengeana community, Acer mono and Quercus mongolica community. 天然残存林植被,主要为榆树、小叶朴群落和色木、蒙古柞群落。
- Based on the samples of Ilisha elongata (Bennett ) taken from the East China Seaduring the period from 1985 to 1987, the comparison of charactersbetween male and female was made . 本文对在1985-1987年间舟山近岸采集的鳓鱼雌雄个体性状作了比较分析。
- An elm tree(Ulmus alata) of the southeast United States, having twigs with winged, corky edges. 翅榆一种美国东南部榆树(翼枝长序榆榆属),具有有翼和软木质的小枝