- UN Millennium Summit ph. 联合国千禧高峰会
- This was also mandated by the Second South Summit and the eight UN Millennium Development Goals. 这也是第二次南方首脑会议和联合国八项《千年发展目标》所提出的任务。
- World leaders at the United Nations Millennium Summit agreed to halve by 2015 the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water. 世界领袖们在联合国千年首脑会议上同意在2015年年底前把无法取得卫生饮用水的人口比例降低一半。
- Earlier, NPC Chairman Li Peng attended and addressed the UN Millennium Parliament President Meeting. 此前,李鹏委员长出席了联合国千年议长会议并发表重要讲话。
- This year is the year of mid-term review of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 今年是联合国千年发展目标中期审评年。
- The Millennium Summit of the United Nations,composed of plenary meetings and four round tables,was held from 6 Septemberto 8 September 2000 at United Nations Headquarters. 联合国高峰会议,包括全体会议和四次圆桌会议,从2000年9月6日至9月8日在联合国总部召开。
- It impedes the New Construction in Rural China and the realization of UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 这不利于我国的新农村建设和联合国千年发展目标的实现。
- Last August, seven national leaders of China's five major religions attended the Millennium Summit of World Religious and Spiritual Leaders at the United Nations. 去年8月,中国五大宗教的七位领袖组团出席了在联合国举行的“宗教与精神领袖世界和平千年大会”。
- The Millennium Summit of the United Nations, composed of plenary meetings and four round tables, was held from 6 Septemberto 8 September 2000 at United Nations Headquarters. 联合国高峰会议,包括全体会议和四次圆桌会议,从2000年9月6日至9月8日在联合国总部召开。
- The five leaders issued a Political Declaration on issues including world economy, food security, climate change, energy security and the UN Millennium Development Goals. 五国领导人就世界经济、粮食安全、气候变化、能源安全、联合国千年发展目标等问题发表了一项政治声明。
- Excellencies, three years ago, when you came here for the Millennium Summit, we had a shared vision of global solidarity and collective security, expressed in the Millennium Declaration. 阁下们,三年以前当你们来参加千年峰会,我们在世界团结和共同维和方面达成了一致,并在千年宣言中有所体现。
- Two sides working together on the UN Millennium Development Goals: the elimination of poverty, hunger, disease, environmental degradation, illiteracy, discrimination against women etc. 双方在联合国千年发展目标方面进行合作:如消除贫困、饥饿、疾病、环境恶化、文盲、歧视妇女等。
- It believed that WIPO, being part of the UN system, should further contribute to the achievement of the UN Millennium Goals, by using its own comparative advantage and specific mandate. 该代表团认为,WIPO作为联合国系统的一部分,应该利用自身的比较优势和授权,为联合国的千年目标做出贡献。
- Better data on povertyindicators, in particular at the subnational level, are also needed ifwe are to assess the true effects of the interventions designed to meetthe UN Millennium Development Goals of halving poverty by 2015 (see Nature 446, 347; 2007). 亚民族水平上的贫困指标是更好的资料,有助于我们了解美国2015年千年计划发展目标中关于贫困减半计划的真正效果。
- True, the international financial crisis has caused great difficulties for all countries, but we cannot for this reason stop the process towards the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 虽然国际金融危机给各国造成了很大困难,但我们不能因此中断联合国千年发展目标进程。
- It was a warm climb to the summit. 向顶峰攀登时身上都热起来了。
- The news is all about the latest summit meeting. 这条消息是关於最近的首脑级会议的。
- Mr. Smith, late of the UN Secretariat. 以前在联合国秘书处服务过的史密斯先生。
- One who believes the millennium will occur. 千禧年信奉者相信千禧年会复活的人
- She is now at the summit of her career. 她现在正处在事业的顶峰。