- Orlando Magic: Adonal Foyle, Marcin Gortat (R), Tyronn Lue, Jeremy Richardson, Hedo Turkoglu. 奥兰多魔术:阿多纳尔福伊尔,马辛-戈泰特,泰伦卢,杰里米理查德森,特科格鲁。
- The deal also sees Cuttino Mobley and Kelvin Cato going to the Magic and Juwan Howard, Tyronn Lue and Reece Gaines coming to the Rockets. 该交易牵扯到7名球员,魔术队还得到了莫布里和卡托,而朱万-霍华德,后卫泰伦-卢以及甘尼斯则来到了火箭队。
- The long-anticipated deal also sent forward Juwan Howard, and guards Tyronn Lue and Reece Gaines to the Rockets. The Magic also got guard Cuttino Mobley and forward Kelvin Cato. 这项期待已久的交易也将前锋朱万-霍华德,后卫泰伦-卢和里斯-甘里斯送到了火箭,而魔术则得到后卫卡蒂诺-莫布里和前锋凯文-卡托。
- A good example of this occurred in 2004 when Houston traded Steve Francis, Cuttino Mobley and Kelvin Cato to Orlando for Tracy McGrady, Juwan Howard, Tyronn Lue and Reece Gaines. 2004年,魔术与火箭做出过一宗当时震惊体坛的大交易,火箭送出Steve Francis, Mobley, Cato,而魔术送出Tracy McGrady, Juwan Howard, Tyronn Lue及Reece Gaines四人。
- I fully expected the Lakers to try to add more of a veteran presence to the team by going after James Posey, Tyronn Lue, Jannero Pargo, Kurt Thomas, Michael Finley or Brent Barry. 我十分期望湖人能够尽量往球队里加一些老兵,经验丰富的球员,像詹姆斯-波西,泰伦-卢,帕戈,科特-托马斯,迈克尔-芬利或者布伦特-巴里。
- And they've been particularly snake-bitten in the closing minutes, giving up game-winning shots to the likes of Tyronn Lue, Paul Pierce, Monta Ellis, Cuttino Mobley and Mike Bibby this season. 而且他们在比赛的最后关头特别不走运,本赛季先后被泰伦卢、皮尔斯、埃里斯、莫布里和毕比绝杀。
- Times: Other veteran possibilities might include Jannero Pargo, who is playing overseas, and Tyronn Lue, who is getting scant playing time in a crowded point-guard situation with the Milwaukee Bucks. 不管怎麽说,湖人都会找一个像他这样的人回来。
- Tyronn Lue 泰伦·卢
- Your face is pale and lue, a tearful smile. 君面惨淡忧郁兮,相看带笑泪眼。
- Lue is one of the branches of Dai. 傣泐人又叫泐人(Lue),是傣族中的一支。
- Ca you tell me whose i the lue hirt o the ed? 你能告诉我床上的蓝衬衣是谁的吗?
- Shop Lue:pian ground red iron wood floors. 地面铺略偏红的铁木地板。
- Xin ling di lue ying / [zuo zhe, Chengzhenfashi]. 心灵底掠影 / [作者; 澄真法师].
- E33 Jin hui zai Hua bu dao bai nian lue shi [microform] / [A. 浸会在华布道百年略史 [显微资料] / [A.
- Yu xia lie deng tong ben: San shi you san wan juan tang shu mu lue / Kong Guangtao zhuan. 与下列等同本:三十有三万卷堂书目略/孔广陶撰.
- Lue played three seasons in Los Angeles (1998-2001), averaging 4.1 points and 1.4 assists in 61 games. 老鹰队球员卢曾于1998-2001赛季为湖人效力,61场比赛平均拿下4.;1分和1
- Lue could serve as Derek Fisher's backup, a role he held earlier in this decade. 这样一来泰隆卢就可以作为费舍尔的替补出场,而且这个位置也是他昔日熟悉的位置和角色。
- This bureau sends the application in mailbox of Li Lue job to have answer according to accuser after. 后该局根据原告发送到黎略工作邮箱里的申请进行答复。
- This paper discusses what Marxist Cl assical Writers expounded about state and society, and expounds the development c lue of them. 本文探讨了经典作家对国家与社会的论述,阐述了国家与社会关系的发展线索。