- Tui Parakeet n. 图伊鹦哥
- Streaming video of Sparky the parakeet. 活泼的长尾小鹦鹉视频直播。
- Ma Tui is ferroguinous, may rise and fall. 马腿是铁质的,可升降。
- I had a pet turtle.My brother had a parakeet. 我养过一只龟,弟弟养过一只长尾鹦鹉。
- Tui Xiangzi similar to the puzzle game. 类似推箱子的益智游戏。
- The parakeet identified with Picasso clothed. 鹦鹉爱上了毕加索。
- Q: What business does Tui china do in china aside from inbound? 问:除入境游外,途易中国在中国还有哪些业务?
- Cha ku mang, ki yiong nang, pa bu chor liao mu ke tui? 恰古忙,基用那,怕不求老木该对?
- If this is the case, the telephone user interface (TUI) is used. 如果是这种情况,则使用电话用户界面(TUI)。
- Transurethral incision (TUI) is a simple and safe procedure. 摘要经尿道切开手术是一种简单且安全的手术。
- Tui Xiangzi game I think we all played! Needless to say I will! 推箱子游戏我想大家都玩过吧!我就不用多说了!
- What business does Tui china do in china aside from inbound? 除入境游外,途易中国在中国还有哪些业务?
- Tui Nati vulnerati, tam dignati pro me pati, poenas mecum divide. 恳求慈母分祢悲情, 并将你子深受酷刑, 深深铭刻我心灵。
- Bound with : Lin Yaosong : Taiwan zi ran bao yu de tui shou. 林曜松:台湾自然保育的推手.
- And the parakeet God bless him flew out a window once never to be seen again. 而那只鹦鹉,愿上帝保佑它,有一次飞出窗外,就再也没见到影儿。
- While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet. 做演讲的时候,偶尔像一个小鹦鹉那样的伸伸脖子,然后又缩缩脖子。
- Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. AU(实际是V)E MARIA; gratia plena; Dominus tecum.
- In a peculiarly ugly cage was the only other living thing in the house,a somnolent blue parakeet with a celluloid fake companion. 在一个奇特难看的鸟笼里,养着一只无精打采的蓝色长尾小鹦鹉--这是室内唯一有生命的东西,旁边还配了个赛璐珞的假鹦鹉。
- They are like the parakeet in the mine--- they are a good barometer of what's going on. 他们就像矿区的长尾小鹦鹉,就像温度计反映出周围的变化。
- They are like the parakeet in the mine---they are a good barometer of what's going on. 他们就像矿区的长尾小鹦鹉,就像温度计反映出周围的变化。