- This creature lives in the depth of the ocean. 这种生物生活在海洋深处。
- He suffered irreversible brain damage in the crash. 他在事故中大脑受伤无法治愈。
- Since she suffered brain damage in the accident she's been a vegetable. 自从事故中脑子受损坏後,她成了植物人。
- These creatures live in the depth of the Pacific Ocean. 这些生物生活在太平洋的海底。
- Tracking Damage in the Depths 追踪深海受到的破坏
- He was in the depths of despair. 他处于绝望的深渊。
- It remains in the depths of my soul. 这件事一直隐藏在我心灵深处。
- He went bare-chested even in the depths of winter. 大冬天他还光着上身。
- In the depths of despair, what do you crave? 在绝望的深渊,你渴望什么?
- The nearside wing was damaged in the collision. 汽车碰撞时左侧的翼子板撞坏了。
- The machine suffered severe damage in the accident. 机器在事故中收到了严重的损坏。
- Had blossomed in the depth of my own heart. 已经在我的心灵深处绽放。
- Keep the jeep in the depth of a deep hole. 把吉普车保存在一深洞的深处。
- They are sunk in the depth of vice. 他们堕入了罪恶的深渊。
- That door can damage in the hinge very fast. 那扇门很快会在合页处损坏。
- Always linger in the depth of my heart. 在我的心头荡漾。
- We lived in the depth of the country. 我们当时住在内地。
- There is a waterfall in the depths of the forest. 在森林深处有一处瀑布。
- The plane was substantially damaged in the crash. 失事飞机损坏严重。
- The thatch was badly damaged in the storm. 茅草屋顶在暴风雨中遭到严重破坏。