- Trachyneis clepsydra n. 计时粗纹藻
- Galileo used a mercury clepsydra to time his experimental falling bodies. 迦利略用水银漏壶为其自由落体实验计时。
- If you wish to fill the clepsydra more quickly, hold down the mouse button. 如果你希望更快的注满漏壶,按住你的鼠标键。
- The invention and use of the gnomon-and-ruler, sundial, clepsydra and other time-measuring machines is evidence of Chinese wisdom. 圭表、日晷、漏刻等计时仪器的发明和应用,证明中华民族是个充满智慧的民族。
- As a time-measuring apparatus, the clepsydra is used more widely than the sundial. 漏刻是以壶盛水,利用水均衡滴漏原理,观测壶中刻箭上显示的数据来计算时间。
- I have never seen a clepsydra like this! I'm positive these are the instruments Iris needs for her observations. 我从未见过这样的漏壶!我确定这是艾里斯占卜所需的设备。
- The clepsydra is an old instrument for calculation of time, originating in the later part of the Neolithic Age. 铜壶滴漏 Copper Kettle Clepsydra 漏刻是一种古老的计时仪器。通过漏壶水面的高低,由箭刻标示时间。
- Many ancient Chinese men of letters left behind beautiful verses about the clepsydra . 作为计时器,漏刻的使用比日晷史为普遍。
- The steelyard clepsydra, a special type of clepsydra, had been the chief timekeeping instrument during the Sui-Tang period and the earlier stage of the Northern Song dynasty. 摘要秤漏是一种特殊类型的漏刻,在隋唐及北宋前期曾是司天机构的主要计时仪器。
- To enable the armillary sphere to rotate, Zhang employed the gear system, linking the celestial globe and the kettle clepsydra. 漏水转浑天仪是有明确历史记载的世界上第一架用水力发动的天文仪器。
- The earliest clepsydra was copper pot holding water with a small hole at the bottom and a pole with scales inserting in the center. 开始时使用单只漏壶,后来出现由多只漏壶组成的复式漏壶。
- The steelyard clepsydra, a special type of clepsydra, had been the chief timekeeping instrument during the Sui-Tang period and the earlier ... 根据古文献记述,秤漏很可能是使用弹簧联结权器和秤钩,以达到平均流速稳定的目的。
- If cock was killed, what would people do?Of course, there was another way to deal with.Except clepsydra and sundial, the ancients invented “incense clock”. 在商朝,运用眼睛耳朵等感官系统来观测天象,是很了不起的本事,在政府里混个高职完全不成问题。
- Trachyneis aspera var. orientalis n. 粗纹藻东方变种
- On the principle that water drips evenly, people can measure time by watching the number of grades on the arrow. As a time-measuring apparatus, the clepsydra is used more widely than the sundial. 箭,则是标有时间刻度的标尺。 漏刻是以壶盛水,利用水均衡滴漏原理,观测壶中刻箭上显示的数据来计算时间。
- Trachyneis aspera var. unilatera n. 粗纹藻单边变种
- Peng Jiusi of the Ming Dynasty said in his On the Clepsydra, "Musing over the ancient institutions and considering the present conditions, our dynasty [Ming Dynasty] makes far more perfect law system. 明代彭九思在《漏壶记》中说:“我朝酌古推今,法制愈备:既立司天台以窥天象,颁历以授人时;
- Trachyneis aspera var. perobliqua n. 粗纹藻斜纹变种
- Ancient Chinese people worked out and used their own system of time division, the oldest and the longest-lasting one being the hundred-quarter division (the Chinese term for quarter, ke, originally meant notch -- the notch on the arrow in a clepsydra). 我国古代制定、沿用自成体系的计时法。 百刻计时法最古老,使用的时间也最长。 大约西周之前(公元前十一世纪),古人就把一昼夜均分为一百刻(一刻等于14.;4分)。
- Trachyneis aspera var. contermina n. 粗纹藻相似变种