- To touch a human heart 如果可以触到人们的内心
- He made up his mind never to touch a drop of drink. 他决心不再喝酒。
- I am not going to touch a thing tonight . 今天晚上,我什么也不打算吃了。
- I'm not going to touch a thing tonight. 今天晚上,我什么也不打算吃了。
- It's dangerous to touch a live wire. 触摸带电的电线是最危险的。
- Weber's God remained aloof whereas the Pentecostals' God reaches down to touch the human heart. 韦伯所言的“上帝”冷漠疏远,而五旬节派的“上帝”却是降临直触人心。
- The doctors will transplant a human heart into the patient. 医生们将把一颗人的心脏移植到这个病人身上。
- He has violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart. 他阴险地凌辱一颗神圣不可侵犯的心灵。
- Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart. 如果你有意令一颗心碎,就不要走进别人的生活。
- He refused to touch a morsel of the food they had brought. 他们拿来的东西他一口也不吃。
- He makes up his mind never to touch a drop of drink. 他决心不再喝酒。
- The human heart is analogous to a pump. 人的心脏和泵类似。
- Navigation System: To Touch a Screen or Push a Button? 车载导航系统:是使用触摸屏还是使用按钮?
- Doctors hope to transplant a human heart into the patient within the next few days. 医生们希望在今后几天内把一颗人的心脏移植到病人体内。
- You’ve got to know enough about the person you are boasting to.Otherwise, you’ll make a bungle of it and fail to touch a chord in his or her heart. 吹牛也要认清对方的,不然的话,必难打动他或她的心弦,那么就失掉吹牛的功效了。
- Davis, feeling that any man possessing a human heart would relent when that delicious perfume met his nose. 看着美味的腌橙,安米觉得但凡有一点同情心的人闻到这份酸橙的美味也该心软了。
- For Song, one saith, is but a human heart Speaking aloud, undisciplined and free. 如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网下载使用,必须保留本网注明的“稿件来源”,并自负版权等法律责任。
- Pilgrims knelt to touch a tiny patch of exposed stone under an ornate alter. 朝圣者跪下以碰触华丽祭坛下一小片裸露的石块。
- You were expressly told not to touch my papers. 已经明确地告诉过你不要动我的文件。
- A three-dimensional computer model has been constructed to simulate the ventricular depolarization and repolarization processes in a human heart. 在本研究中使用一个三维的心脏模型模拟心脏之去极化及再极化的过程。