- To abandon oneself to pleasure 沉湎在欢乐中
- To abandon oneself to wine and poetry 寄情计酒
- to abandon oneself to ... 沉湎于 ...
- Want to abandon those him courses in time carrying out the method with unworkable proof at this moment, find the way that can promote oneself to fall asleep truly. 这时要及时放弃那些经过自己实践证明不可行的办法,找到确能促进自己入睡的办法。
- He used to abandon his work for months at a time. 他过去每次放下工作就是几个月。
- lead a depraved life; abandon oneself to evil ways 走邪道
- One should adapt oneself to the changed conditions. 我们应当使自己适应变化了的情况。
- I really don't know how to pleasure him. 我真不知道如何让他高兴。
- I was obliged to abandon that idea. 我不得不放弃那个想法。
- The next-best solution is to abandon the project altogether. 仅次于最佳的解决方法是放弃全部计划。
- give way to one's feelings; abandon oneself to emotion 感情用事
- The time has come to abandon the romantic view of Imperial history. 现在已经到了抛弃帝国历史的幻想的时候了。
- He will do angthing to pleasure her. 他将尽力使她高兴。
- A feeling of resentment urged him to abandon them. 一种怨恨的心情促使他离开了她们。
- We should not abandon ourselves to pleasures. 我们不应一味享乐。
- A lazy person devoted to pleasure and luxury. 贪安逸的人沉湎于寻欢作乐及奢侈的人
- It is illegal to maim oneself to escape duty. 为逃避责任而自残是违法的。
- It would be a sin on your part to abandon science. 抛弃科学对你来说将会铸成大错。
- Self for saking;throw oneself away;give oneself up to vice;abandon oneself to despair 自暴自弃
- He subordinates work to pleasure. 他把娱乐置於工作之上。