- The car park is strictly for the use of residents. 那个停车场仅供当地居民使用。
- He may belong to senile residents who stray from home. 他可能是那种离家迷失在外的昏聩老年人。
- The hotel provides a reservation of tickets for its residents. 这家旅馆为旅客提供订票服务。
- Tibetan residents 西藏居民
- An experienced Tibetan climber was chosen to lead the others up the mountain. 一位经验丰富的藏族登山者被挑选出来带领其他人登山。
- The Arab residents went on strike and closed up all shops. 阿拉伯居民继续罢市,所有的店铺都关闭了。
- Many residents were sickened by the contaminated water. 污染的水使很多居民生病了。
- There are five million permanent residents in the city. 这个城市有五百万常住居民。
- The residents of the area are unhappy about the noise. 该地区的居民对这吵闹声很是不满。
- The residents of the town are proud of its new library. 该镇的居民都为镇上新建的图书馆感到自豪。
- All the residents have been inconvenienced by the road works. 居民们都因筑路工程而感到不便。
- A branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family that includes Tibetan and Burmese. 藏缅语族汉藏语系的一个包括藏语和缅甸语的分支
- The shopping centre has called forth an angry response from local residents. 这个销售中心已经引起了当地居民的愤怒反应。
- Tibetan Buddhism stands high in Tibetan culture. 藏传佛教在藏文化中占有崇训的地位。
- Judging from his dress, he is probably a Tibetan. 看他的装束,可能是藏族。
- He obtained 400 Sanskrit and Tibetan volumes. 他获得了400卷梵语和西藏经文。
- Restaurant open to non residents. 餐厅对非住宿者开放.
- They believe in Tibetan Buddhism or polytheism. 人们信仰藏传佛教(喇嘛教)或崇奉多神。
- He had given his life to save the Tibetan antelope. 他为拯救藏羚羊献出了生命。
- And the teachings of Tibetan masters. 以及西藏大师的教导连接起来。