- 我要吃egg。 tomato, tomato, tomato
- 单词“egg”在哪呢? Where is the word @egg@?
- cooling egg (孵化时) 晾蛋
- egg turning (孵化器中) 翻蛋
- pedigree egg-cage (鸡) 种蛋笼
- 但是单词“egg”不在句子里。 But the word @egg@ is not in the sentence.
- 请再造一个句子。用单词“egg” Hmm. Please make another sentence. Use the word @egg@.
- 截止了的egg计时器的属性名称。 The property name of the egg timer that expired.
- spray egg drier (制蛋粉的) 喷雾式蛋液干燥机
- 吉姆说单词“egg”在“蛋糕”里。 Jim says the word @egg@ is in @cakes@.
- egg计时器在其上截止的实例的类别名称。 The class name of the instance the egg timer expired on.
- 目的:探讨DGP中医证型与体表胃电图(EGG)改变的关系。 OBJECTIVE:To explore the relationship between DGP syndromes in Chinese medicin e and the changes in EGG.
- EGG能反映胃排空状态,EGG的ApR和节律紊乱率可作为间接反映胃排空的指标 EGG can reflect gastric emptying in DGP,ApR and gastric dysrhythmias rate may represent useful,although indirect,indexes of gastric emptying.
- 各组病变的egg波形均有不同程度的改变,但声门型喉癌的波形明显趋于无规律性; In EGG, waveform of every groups demonstrates change in different degree, but the waveformof glottal type laryngeal cancer obviously tends to have no regularity.
- 检测60例正常人和20例单侧声带麻痹患者的EGG参数CQ、CI和声学参数NNE,并进行统计分析。 Combined with NNE (normalized noise energy ), EGG (electroglottography ) parameters (Co-contact quotient and CI-contact index ) of 60 normalspeakers and 20 patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis were analyzed.
- I与EGG参数间呈负相关,flow与shimmer、CQ、CQP、NNE均显著正相关,而与jitter的相关性较差。 There were significant difference on flow, intensity and EGG parameters. There were good correlations between the intensity and EGG, between the flow and shimmer, and between CQ and NNE, but there was no correlation between flow and jitter.
- 方法 :对 38例 3种不同中医证型的DGP患者进行血浆MOT及体表EGG检测 ,并与正常人 2 0例进行对照。 Method:Motilin and electrogastrogram were simultaneously measured in 20 cases of healthy subjects (HS)and 38 cases of patients with 3 different kinds of TCM syndrome type and non insulin dependent diabetes gastroparesis (DGP).
- 4)用鸡胚尿囊膜实验观察到EFP剂量为0.06mg/egg即可抑制鸡胚尿囊膜血管生成,最高抑制率可达35.8%。 4)the vascular network of chorioallantoic membranes(CAM)of chicken embryo was inhibited in 0.06 mg/egg EFP group,and the highest inhibition was 35.8%25.
- 但良性病变组内即息肉、囊肿和白斑之间 ,以及喉癌组内不同T分期之间EGG波形和参数差异多数无统计学意义。 In benign vocal diseases, the differences of EGG waveform and variables among vocal polyp and cyst and leukoplakia were insignificant statistically, and nor were the differences among various clinical T stages in glottal carcinoma.
- 显微喉镜术后EGG波形多数转为正常 ,且振动的稳定性提高 ( jitter和shimmer降低 ,HNR增加 ) ,CQ、CQP和CIP降低。 After the surgery, most of the EGG waveform returned to normal, jitter and shimmer decreased and HNR increased, which indicated that the stability of vocal fold vibration improved, CQ, CQP and CIP got smaller additionally.