- There's no tome to do 没有时间去做
- There' s no need for anyone to tell you what to do next you' re old enough to use your own discretion. 没有必要让什么人告诉你下一步该做什么 - 你大了,该自己作出判断。
- So there’s no way to do that kind of business there.At the same time, Chinese are lustful consumers and fervent and diligent workers, so they need this kind of information. 同时,中国人的消费欲望也很强烈,努力工作,努力消费,所以就是需要得到这类信息。
- There’s no one to touch him in music. 在音乐方面他无人可比。
- He' s no laggard when it comes to asking for more money, ie He is very quick to do this. 到多要钱时他可不甘後人.
- There' s no earthly reason for me to go. 我根本没有理由走。
- No tome to think the nugae of family, 家中琐事无暇想
- There' s no need to be so goddam rude ! 没必要那麽粗鲁!
- There' s no need to look so fraught ! 用不着那麽愁眉苦脸的.
- There' s no time to linger it' ll soon be dark. 没时间拖延了--天快黑了.
- There 's no reason to apologize. 不必道歉。
- I decided to do it then and there. 我决定当场立即就做。
- No power on earth could force me to do it. 谁也不能强迫我做这事。
- Take tome to pray, it is the refresher of spirit. 花时间祈祷吧,那是灵性的更新。
- It’s no difference between photographing under- developed scenes of a country and carping.It would be better not to do such an unconsidered doing. 一见落后的景象就想拍照留念,无异在找人家的茬儿,如此欠考虑的行为,还是不做为妙。
- Take tome to work, it is the stepstone of success. 花时间工作吧,那是成功之阶石。
- Take tome to love, it is the joy of life. 花时间关爱吧,那是生命之喜悦。
- I want to do something else, but it's no matter. 我想干点别的事,但那不重要。
- Take tome to read, it is the foundation of wisdom. 花时间阅读吧,那是聪明的根基。