- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- A good fire was blazing in the grate. 炉箅子上的火很旺。
- The fire was burning away cheerfully in the grate. 炉火融融。
- The grating are made of rods or wire. 光栅由金属或丝制造。
- If you put back the grating, the spectra reappear. 当你把栅格标再放入载物台,干涉光点又会呈现。
- A fire was burning merrily in the grate. 壁炉里炉火很旺.
- The grating protected a window in the men's room. 格栅护着男厕所的一扇窗子。
- There were red coals in the grate. 壁炉里有烧红的煤块。
- A fire was burning in the grate . 壁炉内火在燃烧着。
- The fire was burning away cheerfully in the grate . 是她忘恩负义把我惹火了。
- The fire in the grate, too, had burned low. 炉栅里的火也已经很微弱了。
- A small coal fire burned in the grate. 炉子里生着小小的煤火。
- He sneaked a glance at the grateful woman. 他开始悄悄瞟着那激动不安的女人。
- I drew a cheque and handed it to the cashier through the grating. 我开了一张支票,从窗栅里把它递给出纳员。
- The fire was still burningaway cheerfully in the grate. 壁炉里的火依然烧得很旺。
- The fire was still Burning away cheerfully in the grate. 壁炉里的火依然烧得很旺。
- Fuel should be spread evenly over the grate surface. 燃料应均匀的撒在炉子上。
- The grating converts the light into a central peak plus side peaks. 光栅将入射光束转化成一个中心峰值和一系列副峰值。
- The grate is riddled externally so that there is no dust. 炉篦从外部用粗筛筛过以除灰。
- The old man leaned forward and knocked his pipe out against the grate. 老人俯下身子,在壁炉格栅上敲出烟斗里的烟灰。