- The defending champion Arbi succeeded in retaining the trophy. 上届冠军阿尔比卫冕成功。
- We get Gail Devers,women's 100m champion of the 26th Olympic Games and the defending champion this time. 参加这场比赛的有第26届奥运会女子100米冠军盖尔·德福斯,这次是卫冕冠军。
- Shaquille O' Neal scored 34 points as the defending champion Los Angeles Lakers beat the Philadelphia 76ers. 湖人队以保卫冠军宝座的姿态击败费城七六人队,侠客?欧尼尔在这场比赛中独得34分。
- Hi, Yan, how big a deal is this for you to knock off Ana Ivanovic, the defending champion? 晏紫,击败卫冕冠军伊万诺维奇对你来说有多大的意义?
- However had Looney's eruption, the defending champion gas has calmed oneself down idly. 不过有了鲁尼的爆发,卫冕冠军气定神闲。
- The Chinese men's table tennis team downed the defending champion Sweden in the final to win the team title last night at the 43rd World Table Tennis Championships. 中国男子乒乓球队昨晚在第43届世乒赛男子团体决赛中击败卫冕冠军瑞典队夺得男子团体冠军。
- They are offering long/short odds(= the winnings will be high/low because there is a high/low risk of losing)on the defending champion. 他们为卫冕者打出高/低赔率。
- Although unable to beat the defending champion, but on the whole, Adelman believes that the rocket hit "a bit better than before. 虽然没能战胜卫冕冠军,但从总体上来说,阿德尔曼还是认为火箭打得“比以前更好了一点”。
- Halts on Beijing Olympic Games starting line Liu Xiang because by the defending champion status the wound “to fold the wing” the bird nest. 以卫冕冠军身份站住北京奥运会起跑线上的刘翔因伤“折翅”鸟巢。
- Remaining in the third race, he must be action To prove that he is the defending champion, and Massa to help the team get the best results. 在剩余的三站比赛中,他必须用行动来证明自己是卫冕冠军,帮助车队和马萨取得最好的成绩。
- "I believe that Kimi Raikkonen understand the current situation, he is not a rookie driver, not a star of the past, but the defending champion. “我相信莱科宁明白目前的情形,他不是一个菜鸟车手,也不是一个昔日之星,而是卫冕冠军。
- In the outside world may be a good, coach Rick - Adelman has demonstrated his low-key, he maintains that it is not time to take a rocket compared with the defending champion. 可就在外界一片看好的情况下,主帅里克-阿德尔曼却表现出了自己的低调,他坚持认为,现在还不是拿火箭跟卫冕冠军做比较的时候。
- By stunning Peyton Manning and the defending champion Colts 28-24 on Sunday, undermanned San Diego removed New England's biggest road block to the Super Bowl. 周日在令人不可思意的将曼宁和他的防守冠军小马以28比24击败后,他们将成为新英格兰夺得超级碗最大的障碍。
- Before this facing international Milan which did not defeat, the reddish black regiment let the defending champion taste the unfavorable situation bitterness and astringency. 面对此前一直不败的国际米兰,红黑军团让卫冕冠军尝到了失利的苦涩。
- First round, the Kuwaiti Cady West Asia main floor by 3-2 defeats the Japanese water's edge and the ruby, caused the defending champion to compel Liangshan. 首回合,科威特卡迪西亚主场以3-2战胜日本浦和红宝石,使卫冕冠军逼上了梁山。
- El Guerrouj artillery of the United States to avoid their compatriots Andy Roddick, the defending champion and is likely to Gonzalez for seats in the semi-finals. 美国大炮奎罗伊避开了自己的同胞罗迪克,很可能与卫冕冠军冈萨雷斯争夺四强席位。
- The women's team won a comfortable victory over the defending champions. 女队大胜卫冕冠军。
- His team defeated the defending champions from Argentina in their opening game. 他的球队在揭幕比赛上打败了卫冕冠军阿根廷队。
- This session of World Cup Wang Hao goes to battle as the defending champion, after passing through three group matches and 1/4 finals gets on soundings, found the optimum condition gradually. 本届世界杯王皓作为卫冕冠军出战,经过三场小组赛和1/4决赛后渐入佳境,逐渐找到最佳状态。
- Japan is the defending champion, having won 24 golds at home in Aomori four years ago, but China is expected to dominate this time, with South Korea and Kazakhstan also in the running (adv. 参加比赛; 有赢的希望).;四年前日本在本土青森举行的亚洲冬运会上获得了最多的24枚金牌,此次他们要卫冕冠军。这次中国有信心争夺第一,韩国及哈萨克斯坦亦蓄势待发。