- This article is a bridge to understanding The Book of Changes. 这篇文章是理解《易经》的津梁。
- I can't see how to put the model car together. Where is the book of words? 我不懂怎样拼装这个汽车模型,说明书在哪里?
- We may say like the Book of Changes that the world consists of Yin and Yang. 就象易经说的,这个世界全由阴阳组成。
- Abigail was a prophet in the Book of Samuel. 艾比盖尔是《母尔记》中的一位预言家。
- The reading today is from the Book of Daniel. 今天朗读的经文选自《但以理书》。
- The book of law's been thrown away starting today! 法律被全部丢弃!
- Such is the case with the Book of Revelation. 《启示录》就属于这种情形。
- The Book of Ezra provides us with another example. 在以斯拉记中我们也可以找到这样的例子。
- In his works of literature and philology, there are many quotations from The Book of Changes. 在鲁迅有关文学、字学的著作中,多处征引《周易》的文字,以《周易》立论。
- Mr Jackson is not the books of the Union of Scientific Workers. 杰克逊先生是科学工作者工会的会员。
- Studies of the Book of Change in Daoism 道教易学综论
- Divination in book of change and decision making in life II. 周易爻卦与人生决策2。
- The contents of the Book of Changs include ancient Chinese divination and cosmological beliefs. 《易经》的内容包括古人卜卦的记录和他们对宇宙的认识。
- That note led me to the book of Paracelsus. 那份记录引导我找到帕拉塞尔苏斯之书。
- Mr Jack is on the books of the Football Association. 杰克逊先生是足球协会的会员。
- Confucius said,"When one is fifty,one may read the Book of Changes," which means that one should not read it at forty-five. 孔子曰: “五十以学《易》。”便是说,四十五岁时候尚不可读《易经》。
- We are studying the Book of Jonah. 出自圣经的约拿书。
- Therefore it is necessary to study his views on the Book of Changes in order to excavate and sort out the treasure of our national traditional culture. 因此,研究鲁迅对《周易》的看法以及他从《周易》出发,整理、掘我国传统文化的宝藏非常重要。
- Confucius said, "When one is fifty, one may read the Book of Changes, " which means that one should not read it at forty-five. 孔子曰:“五十以学《易》。” 便是说,四十五岁时候尚不可读《易经》。
- Having read the commentary on the meaning of diagrams in The Book of Changes, I still can't understand this divinatory symbol. 即使看过了彖辞,我对于这个卦义还不是很理解。